Showing 1 - 10 of 10 Results
Hispanics In The U.S. Criminal Justice System: The New American Demography by Martin Guevara Urbina, Ph.D. ISBN: 9780398088163 List Price: $59.95
Immigration and the Law : Race, Citizenship, and Social Control by �lvarez, Sof�a Espinoza, Ur... ISBN: 9780816537624
A Comprehensive Study of Female Offenders: Life Before, During, and After Incarceration by Martin Guevara, Ph.D. Urbina ISBN: 9780398078119 List Price: $66.95
Hispanics in the U.S. Criminal Justice System: The New American Demography by Martin Guevara Urbina, Ph.D. ISBN: 9780398088156 List Price: $79.95