Lafourche Parish and Port Fourchon, Louisiana: Effects of the Outer Continental Shelf Petrol...
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Economic Impact of Recreational Fishing and Dividing Associated with Offshore Oil and Gas St...
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Supply Network for Deepwater Oil and Gas Development in the Gulf of Mexico: an Empirical Ana...
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Potential Spatial and Temporal Vulnerability of Pelagic Fish Assemblages in the Gulf of Mexi...
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Outer Continental Shelf Pipelines Crossing the Louisiana Coastal Zone: a Geographical Inform...
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Mississippi/ Alabama Pinnacle Trend Ecosystem Monitoring, Final Synthesis Report
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Investigation of Fatality Green Canyon Block 304, Well No. 1 OCS-G 28066 3 September 2009
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Strong Mid-Depth Currents and a Deep Cyclonic Gyre in the Gulf of Mexico
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Stability and Change in Gulf of Mexico Chemosynthetic Communities Volume 2: Technical Report
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Refining and Revising the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf Region High- Probability Mo...
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Changing Patterns of Ownership and Control in the Petroleum Industry: Implications for the M...
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Boundary Layer Study in the Western and Central Gulf of Mexico Final Report
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Investigation of Fatal Fall from Rig Pollution Pan Galveston Area Block 151, Well No. 6 OCS-...
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Deepwater Program: Literature Review, Environmental Risks of Chemical Products Used in Gulf ...
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Coastal Marine Institute Effects of Oil and Gas Development: a Current Awareness Bibliograph...
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How Does Produced Water Cause a Reduction in the Genetic Diversity of Harpacticoid Copepods?
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Wind and Eddy-Related Circulation on the Louisiana/Texas Shelf and Slope Determined from Sat...
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Observation of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer in the Western and Central Gulf of Mexico Fina...
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National Scenic and Historic Trails Strategy and Work Plan
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Outer Continental Shelf Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves Gulf of Mexico December 31 2006
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Interactions Between Migrating Birds and Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms in the Northern Gulf...
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Socioeconomic Baseline and Projections of the Impact of an OCS Onshore Base for Selected Flo...
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Characterization of Algal-Invertebrate Mats at Offshore Platforms and the Assessment of Meth...
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