Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Results
Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing: 6th International Conference, UIC 2009, Brisbane, Aus... by Zhang, Daqing, Portmann, Ma... ISBN: 9783642028298 List Price: $89.95
Data Mining for Biomedical Applications Pakdd 2006 Workshop, Biodm 2006, Singapore, April 9,... by Li, Jinyan, Yang, Qiang, Ta... ISBN: 9783540331049 List Price: $69.95
Adaptive Resonance Theory in Social Media Data Clustering by Meng, Lei, Tan, Ah-Hwee, Wu... ISBN: 9783030029845 List Price: $149.99
Brain Informatics and Health : International Conference, Bih 2014, Warsaw, Poland, August 11... by Slezak, Dominik, Tan, Ah-Hw... ISBN: 9783319098920 List Price: $24.99