Showing 1 - 25 of 128 Results
Norwegian Account of King Haco's Expedition Against Scotland, a D Mcclxiii by Sturla Þórðarson, 1214-1284... ISBN: 9781176891852 List Price: $17.75
Poverty Alleviation Policy in Uganda Since 1986 States, Donors And Ngos by Sverrisson, Alan Stu, Sverr... ISBN: 9789979700708 List Price: $50.00
The Norwegian Account Of Haco's Expedition Against Scotland by Johnstone, James, Þó¦rðarso... ISBN: 9781409946335 List Price: $12.99
European Integration and Nordic Alcohol Policies by Holder, Harold D., Kuhlhorn... ISBN: 9781840143706
Icelandic Sagas and Other Historical Documents Relating to the Settlements and Descents of t... by Sturla Þórkarson, 1214-1284... ISBN: 9781175724717 List Price: $40.75
Icelandic Sagas and Other Historical Documents Relating to the Settlements and Descents of t... by Sturla Þórkarson, 1214-1284... ISBN: 9781175725356 List Price: $43.75
Crucified and the Crucified A Study in the Liberation Christology of Jon Sobrino by Stalsett, Sturla J. ISBN: 9783906767116 List Price: $78.95
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology by Wladimiroff, Juriy W., Eik-... ISBN: 9780444518293 List Price: $113.00
Icelandic Sagas and Other Historical Documents Relating to the Settlements and Descents of t... by Sturla Þórkarson, . Magnús ... ISBN: 9781153348461 List Price: $40.18
Sturlunga Saga: Including the Islendinga Saga of Lawman Sturla Thordsson and Other Works, Vo... by Vigfússon, Guðbrandur, Þórð... ISBN: 9781143718441 List Price: $45.75
The Norwegian Account of Haco'S Expedition Against Scotland: A, Part 1263 by Þórðarson, Sturla ISBN: 9781141422548 List Price: $22.75
Icelandic Sagas and Other Historical Documents Relating to the Settlements and Descents of t... by Sturla Þórkarson, . Magnús ... ISBN: 9781152962668 List Price: $33.13
Norges Konge-Sagaer Fra De Aeldste Tider Indtil Anden Halvdeel Af De 13De rhundrede Efter Ch... by Sturluson, Snorri, Munch, P... ISBN: 9781142083908 List Price: $44.75
Surtsey Ecosystems Found by Fridriksson, Sturla ISBN: 9789979946922 List Price: $45.00
The Land of Lorne: Including the Cruise of the "Tern" to the Outer Hebrides by Buchanan, Robert Williams, ... ISBN: 9781148196695 List Price: $29.75
The Norwegian Account of King Haco's Expedition Against Scotland, A, Part 1263 by Þórðarson, Sturla ISBN: 9781146303194 List Price: $17.75
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