Encounter with Chaos: Self-Organized Hierarchical Complexity in Semiconductor Experiments
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Recent Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization : With Selected Applications in El...
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Berechenbares Chaos in Dynamischen Systemen: VerstNdnis Durch Konzepte Und Experimente
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Emergent Complexity from Nonlinearity, in Physics, Engineering and the Life Sciences : Proce...
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Non-Linearities in Economics : An Interdisciplinary Approach to Economic Dynamics, Growth an...
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Nonlinearities in Economics : An Interdisciplinary Approach to Economic Dynamics, Growth and...
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Emergent Complexity from Nonlinearity, in Physics, Engineering and the Life Sciences : Proce...
by Mantica, Giorgio, Stoop, Ru...
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Advances on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems (World Scientific Series on Nonlinear S...
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Recent Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization: With Selected Applications in Ele...
by Kyamakya, Kyandoghere, Math...
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