Showing 1 - 11 of 11 Results
Shaping the College Curriculum Academic Plans in Action by Stark, Joan S., Lattuca, Li... ISBN: 9780205167067 List Price: $93.60
Student Goals for College and Courses A Missing Link in Assessing and Improving Academic Ach... by Stark, Joan S., Shaw, Kathl... ISBN: 9780962388248 List Price: $29.00
Assessment and Program Evaluation An Ashe Reader by Stark, Joan S., Thomas, Alice ISBN: 9780536585868 List Price: $73.00
Many Faces of Educational Consumerism by Stark, Joan S. ISBN: 9780669016314 List Price: $21.95
Intentional Learning A Process for Learning to Learn in the Accounting Curriculum by Francis, Marlene C., Mulder... ISBN: 9780865390805 List Price: $15.00
Responsive Professional Education Balancing Outcomes and Opportunities by Stark, Joan S., Lowther, Ma... ISBN: 9780913317303 List Price: $24.00
Improving Teaching and Learning through Research by Stark, Joan S., Mets, Lisa A. ISBN: 9781555429201 List Price: $14.95
Strengthening the Ties That Bind: Integrating Undergraduate Liberal and Professional Study by Joan S Stark, Malcolm A Low... ISBN: 9789998169593 List Price: $15.00
Shaping the College Curriculum: Academic Plans in Context by Lattuca, Lisa R., Stark, Jo... ISBN: 9780470605400