Showing 1 - 6 of 6 Results
Towards an Interdisciplinary Perspective on the Life Course by Ghisletta, Paolo, Le Goff, ... ISBN: 9780762312511 List Price: $94.95
War, Community, and Social Change : Collective Experiences in the Former Yugoslavia by Spini, Dario, Biruski, Dink... ISBN: 9781461474906 List Price: $129.00
War, Community, and Social Change : Collective Experiences in the Former Yugoslavia by Spini, Dario, Elcheroth, Gu... ISBN: 9781461474920 List Price: $24.99
Compendio Di Cure Palliative : La Gestione Del Fine Vita e Del Lutto by Spini, Elena, Tamburello, M... ISBN: 9781720175995