Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Results
Shared Modular Build of Warships: How a Shared Build Can Support Future Shipbuilding (Report... by Laurence Smallman, Tang Han... ISBN: 9780833051486 List Price: $31.00
DDG-51 Engineering Training: How Simulators Can Help by Yardley, Roland J., Kallima... ISBN: 9780833047298
Countering Piracy in the Modern Era: Notes from a Rand Workshop to Discuss the Best Approach... by Chalk, Peter, Smallman, Lau... ISBN: 9780833047939 List Price: $20.00
United Kingdom's Nuclear Submarine Industrial Base Ministry of Defense Roles by Raman, Raj, Murphy, Robert,... ISBN: 9780833037848 List Price: $20.00