Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Results
Climate Change and the Oil Industry: Common Problems, Varying Strategies (Issues in Environm... by Skjaerseth, Jon Birger, Sko... ISBN: 9780719065590 List Price: $32.95
Climate Change and the Oil Industry Common Problems, Varying Strategies by Skjærseth, Jon Birger, Skod... ISBN: 9780719065583 List Price: $79.95
Science in International Enviornmental Regimes Between Integrity and Involvement by Andresen, Steinar, Skodvin,... ISBN: 9780719058066 List Price: $69.95
Climate Change and the Oil Industry: Common Problems, Different Strategies by Skjaerseth, Jon Birger, Sko... ISBN: 9781423706540