Showing 1 - 25 of 52 Results
Hart and Wechsler's the Federal Courts and the Federal System 6th, 2013 Supplement by Richard H. Fallon Jr., John... ISBN: 9781609303204 List Price: $22.00
Introduction to Forensic Psychology Clinical and Social Psychological Perspectives by Walker, Lenore E., Shapiro,... ISBN: 9780306479083 List Price: $89.95
Operation Hollywood How the Pentagon Shapes and Censors the Movies by Robb, David L., Turley, Jon... ISBN: 9781591021827 List Price: $29.98
The Federal Courts and the Federal System 6th, 2011 Supplement (University Casebook: Supplem... by Richard H. Fallon, Jr., Joh... ISBN: 9781599419770 List Price: $26.00
The Federal Courts and the Federal System, 2012 (University Casebook) by John F. Manning, Richard H.... ISBN: 9781609301408 List Price: $26.00
The Federal Courts and the Federal System 6th, 2010 Supplement (University Casebook: Supplem... by Henry M. Hart, Jr., Herbert... ISBN: 9781599418056 List Price: $19.00
Malpractice in Psychology: A Practical Resource for Clinicians by Shapiro, David L., Smith, S... ISBN: 9781433808951 List Price: $59.95
The Federal Courts And The Federal System 4th (University Casebook Series) by Henry Melvin Hart, Herbert ... ISBN: 9781566623353 List Price: $78.50
Wild Card Selected Poems, Early and Late by Shapiro, Karl, Rosenthal, M... ISBN: 9780252066894 List Price: $20.95
I Belong to the Working Class: The Unfinished Autobiography of Rose Pastor Stokes - Herbert ... by Stokes, Rose P., Shapiro, H... ISBN: 9780820313832 List Price: $35.00
Evolutionary Computing Aisb International Workshop, Manchester, Uk, April 7-8, 1997 Selecte... by Corne, David, Shapiro, Jona... ISBN: 9783540634768 List Price: $74.95
Criminal Responsibility Evaluations: A Manual for Practice by David L. Shapiro ISBN: 9781568870465 List Price: $29.95
Evolution of a Judicial Philosophy by Harlan, John M., Shapiro, D... ISBN: 9780674271258 List Price: $21.00
Hart and Wechsler's the Federal Courts and the Federal System by Bator, Paul M., Meltzer, Da... ISBN: 9780882776477 List Price: $48.50
Sara's Journey by Shapiro, David L. ISBN: 9780827607767 List Price: $12.95
Japanese Law in Context: Readings in Society, the Economy, and Politics (Harvard East Asian ... by James Abegglen, John M. Abo... ISBN: 9780674005198 List Price: $40.00
The Federal Courts and the Federal System, 6th, 2014 Supplement (University Casebook Series)... by Richard Fallon Jr., John F ... ISBN: 9781628100969 List Price: $22.00
Japanese Law in Context: Readings in Society, the Economy, and Politics (Harvard East Asian ... by James Abegglen, John M. Abo... ISBN: 9780674005181 List Price: $70.00
Shapiro's Civil Procedure: Preclusion in Civil Actions (Turning Point Series) by David L Shapiro ISBN: 9781587780202 List Price: $28.00
Federalism A Dialogue by Shapiro, David L. ISBN: 9780810112803 List Price: $24.00
Hart And Wechsler's Supplement to the Federal Courts And the Federal System 2006 (University... by Richard H. Fallon, Daniel J... ISBN: 9781599411095 List Price: $19.00
Hart and Wechsler's Federal Courts and Federal System, 5th, 2007 Supplement by Fallon, Richard H., Jr., Me... ISBN: 9781599412641 List Price: $22.00
1996 Supplement to the Federal Courts and the Federal System by Fallon, Richard H., Jr., Me... ISBN: 9781566624084
Judicial Code and Rules of Procedure in the Federal Courts, 1989 by Meltzer, Daniel L., Shapiro... ISBN: 9780882777405 List Price: $16.95
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