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France and Its Empire Since 1870 by Alice L. Conklin, Sarah Fis... ISBN: 9780199384440 List Price: $54.95
American Horizons: U.S. History in a Global Context, Volume I: To 1877, with Sources by Michael Schaller, Robert Sc... ISBN: 9780199389339 List Price: $65.95
Managing Cultural Differences by Robert T. Moran, Neil Remin... ISBN: 9780415717359 List Price: $79.95
American Horizons: U.S. History in a Global Context, Volume II: Since 1865 by Schaller, Michael, Schulzin... ISBN: 9780190659493 List Price: $59.95
American Horizons, Concise: U.S. History in a Global Context, Volume I: To 1877 by Michael Schaller, Robert Sc... ISBN: 9780199740154 List Price: $47.95
Ancient Greece: A Political, Social, and Cultural History, 3rd Edition by Sarah B. Pomeroy, Stanley M... ISBN: 9780199846047 List Price: $59.95
Reading American Horizons: U.S. History in a Global Context, Volume I: To 1877 by Michael Schaller, Robert Sc... ISBN: 9780199768493 List Price: $19.95
American Horizons: U.S. History in a Global Context, Volume I: To 1877 by Michael Schaller, Robert Sc... ISBN: 9780195369526 List Price: $99.95
American Horizons: U.S. History in a Global Context, Volume II: Since 1865 by Michael Schaller, Robert Sc... ISBN: 9780199389346 List Price: $55.95
A Brief History of Ancient Greece: Politics, Society, and Culture by Sarah B. Pomeroy, Stanley M... ISBN: 9780195372359 List Price: $49.95
Facilitating Online Learning: Effective Strategies for Moderators by George Collison, Bonnie Elb... ISBN: 9781891859335 List Price: $24.95
Reading American Horizons: U.S. History in a Global Context, Volume II: Since 1865 by Michael Schaller, Robert Sc... ISBN: 9780199768509 List Price: $19.95
Managing Cultural Differences, Eighth Edition: Global Leadership Strategies for Cross-Cultur... by Moran, Robert T., Harris, P... ISBN: 9781856179232 List Price: $74.95
The Death Penalty by Paternoster, Raymond, Brame... ISBN: 9780195332421 List Price: $44.95
American Horizons: U.S. History in a Global Context, Volume II: Since 1865 by Michael Schaller, Robert Sc... ISBN: 9780195369533 List Price: $99.95
American Indian Law: Cases and Commentary (American Casebook Series) by Anderson, Robert, Berger, B... ISBN: 9780314290236 List Price: $202.00
France and Its Empire Since 1870 by Alice Conklin, Sarah Fishma... ISBN: 9780199735181 List Price: $44.95
Cases and Materials on International Law by Dixon, Martin, McCorquodale... ISBN: 9780199562718 List Price: $60.00
Imagine a Day by Thomson, Sarah L., Gonsalve... ISBN: 9780689852190 List Price: $17.95
Indigenous Development in the Andes: Culture, Power, and Transnationalism by Andolina, Robert, Laurie, N... ISBN: 9780822345404 List Price: $25.95
Butterflies by Peterson, Roger Tory, Hughe... ISBN: 9780395346754 List Price: $6.95
Managing Cultural Differences Global Leadership Strategies for the 21st Century by Harris, Philip R., Moran, R... ISBN: 9780750682473 List Price: $74.95
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