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Music for Sight Singing by Thomas E. Benjamin, Michael... ISBN: 9781133307976 List Price: $174.95
We the People (Tenth Essentials Edition) by Benjamin Ginsberg, Theodore... ISBN: 9780393937053
Techniques and Materials of Music by Thomas Benjamin, Michael Ho... ISBN: 9781285854441 List Price: $219.95
Techniques and Materials of Music: From the Common Practice Period Through the Twentieth Cen... by Thomas Benjamin, Michael Ho... ISBN: 9780495189770 List Price: $257.95
Worlds Together, Worlds Apart: A History of the World: 600 to1850 (Fourth Edition) (Vol. B) by Robert Tignor, Jeremy Adelm... ISBN: 9780393922110 List Price: $83.57
Worlds Together, Worlds Apart: A History of the World: From the Beginnings of Humankind to t... by Robert Tignor, Jeremy Adelm... ISBN: 9780393149715 List Price: $104.53
Rational Public Fifty Years of Trends in Americans' Policy Preferences by Page, Benjamin I., Shapiro,... ISBN: 9780226644783 List Price: $32.50
Andreoli and Carpenter's Cecil Essentials of Medicine: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 8... by Thomas E. Andreoli MD MACP... ISBN: 9781416061090 List Price: $84.95
Staffing Organizations Contemporary Practice And Theory by Ployhart, Robert E., Schnei... ISBN: 9780805855807 List Price: $65.95
Music for Sight Singing by Horvit, Michael, Benjamin, ... ISBN: 9780495505006 List Price: $116.95
Worlds Together, Worlds Apart: A History of the World: From the Beginnings of Humankind to t... by Robert Tignor, Jeremy Adelm... ISBN: 9780393922073 List Price: $88.09
Music for Analysis: Examples from the Common Practice Period and the Twentieth Century by Thomas Benjamin, Michael Ho... ISBN: 9780195379839 List Price: $99.95
Worlds Together, Worlds Apart: A History of the World: From the Beginnings of Humankind to t... by Tignor, Robert, Adelman, Je... ISBN: 9780393123760 List Price: $186.14
New England and the Sea by Albion, Robert G., Baker, W... ISBN: 9780913372234 List Price: $18.00
Confronting Environmental Racism Voices from the Grassroots by Bullard, Robert D., Chavis,... ISBN: 9780896084469 List Price: $16.00
We the People: An Introduction to American Politics (Seventh Essentials Edition) by Benjamin Ginsberg, Theodore... ISBN: 9780393932669
Survey of Math: Custom Edition for Math 103 at Bryant and Stratton College by Robert Blitzer, Allen R. An... ISBN: 9780555013649
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