Showing 1 - 25 of 47 Results
French Examination Papers Set at the University of London : From 1839 To 1888 (1888) by Brette, Philip Honore Ernes... ISBN: 9781167136160 List Price: $42.36
Hachette's Children's Own French Book, a Selection of Amusing and Instructive Stories in Pro... by Brette, Philip Honore Ernes... ISBN: 9781164663294 List Price: $21.56
Hachette's Children's Own French Book, a Selection of Amusing and Instructive Stories in Pro... by Brette, Philip Honore Ernes... ISBN: 9781164738459 List Price: $33.56
Fille du Chanoine la Mere de la Marquise les Gendarmes le Capitaine Bitterlin le Jeu with No... by About, Edmond, Brette, Phil... ISBN: 9781177953351 List Price: $28.75
Hachette's Children's Own French Book, a Selection of Amusing and Instructive Stories in Pro... by Brette, Philip Honore Ernes... ISBN: 9781436864411 List Price: $26.95
Hachette's Children's Own French Book, a Selection of Amusing and Instructive Stories in Pro... by Brette, Philip Honore Ernes... ISBN: 9781436939584 List Price: $41.95
French Examination Papers Set At The University Of London: From 1839 To 1888 (1888) by Brette, Philip Honore Ernes... ISBN: 9781120841506 List Price: $52.95
French Examination Papers Set at the University of London, From 1839 to 1871 by Brette, Philip Honore Ernest ISBN: 9781152248274 List Price: $23.93
Public School Elementary French Grammar Adapted for the Use of English Schools and Persons E... by Brachet, Auguste, Brette, P... ISBN: 9781177860178 List Price: $32.75
French Examination Papers Set at the University of London : From 1839 To 1888 (1888) by Brette, Philip Honore Ernes... ISBN: 9781167019562 List Price: $30.36
Colomba Edited with Notes Grammatical, Etymological, and Explanatory, and a Notice on M�rim�... by Brette, Philip Honore Ernest ISBN: 9781246095753 List Price: $31.75
Athalie; Trag Die En Cinq Actes. with Grammatical and Explanatory Notes by P.H.E. Brette (Fr... by Jean Baptiste Racine, Phili... ISBN: 9781179466699 List Price: $22.75
The Public School Elementary French Grammar. Adapted for the Use of English Schools and Pers... by Gustave Masson, Auguste Bra... ISBN: 9781289876234 List Price: $32.75
Edmond about by About, Edmond, Masson, Gust... ISBN: 9781355947899 List Price: $25.95
Hachette's Children's Own French Book : A Selection of Amusing and Instructive Stories in Pr... by Brette, Philip Honore Ernest ISBN: 9781294607113 List Price: $27.75
Athalie; Tragedie en Cinq Actes. with Grammatical and Explanatory Notes by P. H. E. Brette by Racine, Jean 1639-1699, Bre... ISBN: 9781373031495 List Price: $23.95
Athalie; Tragedie en Cinq Actes. with Grammatical and Explanatory Notes by P. H. E. Brette by Racine, Jean 1639-1699, Bre... ISBN: 9781373031457 List Price: $13.95
Cat and Battledore, and Other Tales. Translated into English by Philip Kent by Balzac, Honore De 1799-1850... ISBN: 9781361226261 List Price: $17.95
Fille du Chanoine. la Mere de la Marquise. les Gendarmes. le Capitaine Bitterlin. le Jeu. wi... by About, Edmond 1828-1885, Br... ISBN: 9781363897889 List Price: $16.95
Fille du Chanoine. la Mere de la Marquise. les Gendarmes. le Capitaine Bitterlin. le Jeu. wi... by About, Edmond 1828-1885, Br... ISBN: 9781363897902 List Price: $26.95
Public School Elementary French Grammar. Adapted for the Use of English Schools and Persons ... by Brachet, Auguste 1844-1898,... ISBN: 9781371531614 List Price: $17.95
Public School Elementary French Grammar. Adapted for the Use of English Schools and Persons ... by Brachet, Auguste 1844-1898,... ISBN: 9781371531621 List Price: $27.95
Edmond About by About, Edmond, Brette, Phil... ISBN: 9781176579422 List Price: $28.75
French Examination Papers Set at the University of London from 1839 to 1888 (French Edition) by Brette, Philip Honore Ernest ISBN: 9781148650265 List Price: $37.75
Colomba. Edited with Notes Grammatical, Etymological, and Explanatory, and a Notice on Merim... by Brette, Philip Honore Ernest ISBN: 9781348270775 List Price: $26.95
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