Left-Wing Democracy in the English Civil War A Study of the Social Philosophy of Gerrard Win...
by Petegorsky, David W.
ISBN: 9780838314722
List Price: $75.00
Left-Wing Democracy in the English Civil War: Gerrard Winstanley and the Digger Movement (Hi...
by Petegorsky, David W., Hill,...
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List Price: $26.95
Left Wing Democracy in the English Civil War - A Study of the Social Philosophy of Gerrard W...
by Petegorsky, David
ISBN: 9781443736862
List Price: $40.95
Left Wing Democracy In The English Civil War - A Study of the Social Philosophy of Gerrard W...
by Petegorsky, David
ISBN: 9781406798524
List Price: $27.95
Left-Wing Democracy in the English Civil War : A Study of the Social Philosophy of Gerrard W...
by Petegorsky, David W.
ISBN: 9780598829481
List Price: $79.40