Showing 1 - 6 of 6 Results
Intelligent Assembly and Disassembly 2001 A Proceedings Vilume from the Ifac Workshop, Canel... by Kopacek, P., Noe, D., Perei... ISBN: 9780080439082 List Price: $76.95
Intelligent Manufacturing Systems 1998(Ims'98) A Proceedings Volume from the 5th Ifac Worksh... by Kopacek, P., Pereira, C. E. ISBN: 9780080432397 List Price: $98.95
Low Cost Automation 1992 Techniques, Components and Instruments, Applications Selected Pape... by Kopacek, Peter, Albertos, P. ISBN: 9780080417165 List Price: $36.95
Mechanik auf dem Bildschirm - mit dem C64 (German Edition) by K. Desoyer, P. Kopacek, N. ... ISBN: 9783709189986 List Price: $69.95
Cultural Aspects of Automation by Forslin, J., Kopacek, P. ISBN: 9783709192214 List Price: $24.99