Showing 1 - 16 of 16 Results
Algorithmic Learning Theory 13th International Conference, Alt 2002, Lubeck, Germany, Novemb... by Cesa-Bianchi, Nicolò, Numao... ISBN: 9783540001706 List Price: $79.95
Active Mining Second International Workshop, Am 2003, Maebashi, Japan, October 28, 2003, Rev... by Tsumoto, Shusaku, Yamaguchi... ISBN: 9783540261575 List Price: $72.00
Theory and Practice of Computation : 2nd Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice, Manil... by Nishizaki, Shin-ya, Numao, ... ISBN: 9784431544357 List Price: $89.99
Theory and Practice of Computation - Proceedings of Workshop on Computation: Theory and Prac... by Nishizaki, Shin-ya, Numao, ... ISBN: 9789814725972 List Price: $110.00
Theory and Practice of Computation: Proceedings of Workshop on Computation: Theory and Pract... by Nishizaki, Shin-ya, Numao, ... ISBN: 9789813234062 List Price: $138.00
Theory and Practice of Computation: Proceedings of Workshop on Computation: Theory and Pract... by Shin-ya Nishizaki, Masayuki... ISBN: 9789814612876 List Price: $115.00
Rare Decay Symposium by Bryman, D., Ng, J., Numao, T. ISBN: 9789971508388 List Price: $151.00
Theory and Practice of Computation - Proceedings of Workshop on Computation: Theory and Prac... by Nishizaki, Shin-ya, Numao, ... ISBN: 9789813202801 List Price: $138.00
Trends in Artificial Intelligence - PRICAI 2016 Workshops : PeHealth 2016, I3A 2016, AIED 20... by Numao, Masayuki, Theeramunk... ISBN: 9783319606743 List Price: $60.00
Algorithmic Learning Theory by Cesa-Bianchi, Nicol�, Numao... ISBN: 9783662184738 List Price: $24.99
Theory and Practice of Computation by Nishizaki, Shin-ya, Numao, ... ISBN: 9780367204174
Theory and Practice of Computation: Proceedings of Workshop on Computation: Theory and Pract... by Nishizaki, Shin-ya, Numao, ... ISBN: 9789813279667 List Price: $128.00