Showing 1 - 25 of 203 Results
Sanitary Condition of the City Report of the Council of Hygiene and Public Health of the Cit... by Citizens' Association of Ne... ISBN: 9780405024436 List Price: $51.95
Banquet to His Excellency Anson Burlingame : And His Associates of the Chinese Embassy (1868) by The Citizens Of New York ISBN: 9781169219199 List Price: $25.56
Public Honors to Lieutenant-General Grant by Citizens, New York, Citizen... ISBN: 9781175330710 List Price: $16.75
Commemoration by the Loyal League of Union Citizens : Anniversary celebration of the great u... by Loyal League of Union Citiz... ISBN: 9781175479549 List Price: $17.75
Vale of Shadows, and Other Verses of the Great War by Scollard, Clinton, Citizens... ISBN: 9781172115334 List Price: $15.75
Thoughts on Banking, and the Currency by Citizen Of Western New-York ISBN: 9781275809758 List Price: $15.75
Proceedings at the Mass Meeting of Citizens in the Cooper Institute, New York, Tuesday Eveni... by New York (N.Y.). Citizens ISBN: 9781277207071 List Price: $17.75
Banquet to His Excellency Anson Burlingame : And His Associates of the Chinese Embassy (1868) by The Citizens of New York, T... ISBN: 9781164584315 List Price: $13.56
How Manhattan Is Governed Illustrated by Citizens Union (New York, N... ISBN: 9781117318127 List Price: $22.75
Obsequies of Abraham Lincoln : In Union Square, New York, April 25, 1865. Printed for the Ci... by Citizens, New York., Bancro... ISBN: 9781378102381 List Price: $15.95
Letters About The Hudson River: And Its Vicinity (1836) by A Citizen Of New York, Hunt... ISBN: 9781120636638 List Price: $24.95
Banquet to His Excellency Anson Burlingame: And His Associates of the Chinese Embassy (1868) by The Citizens Of New York ISBN: 9781436785433 List Price: $16.95
Banquet To Senor Matias Romero by Citizens Of New York ISBN: 9781104038243 List Price: $15.95
Some Phases of the Work of the Department of Street Cleaning of New York City by Citizens Union, New York. B... ISBN: 9781141755110 List Price: $17.75
Measures, not men: Illustrated by Some Remarks Upon the Public Conduct and Character by A Citizen Of New York ISBN: 9781115324410 List Price: $16.75
A Report on the Currency by Citizens, New York. ISBN: 9781113428356 List Price: $15.75
Letters About The Hudson River: And Its Vicinity (1836) by A Citizen Of New York, Hunt... ISBN: 9781120797520 List Price: $39.95
Proceedings at the Mass Meeting of Loyal Citizens, on Union Square, New-York, 15th Day of Ju... by Catalog], New York. Citizen... ISBN: 9781153096577 List Price: $17.50
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