Showing 1 - 6 of 6 Results
Evaluating Research in Health and Social Care by Gomm, Roger, Needham, Gill,... ISBN: 9780761964919 List Price: $43.95
[(The Routledge Handbook of Attachment: Implications and Interventions)] [Author: Paul Holme... by Gill Needham, Paul Holmes ISBN: 9781783300341 List Price: $99.95
Evaluating Research in Health and Social Care by Gomm, Roger, Needham, Gill,... ISBN: 9780761964902 List Price: $135.00
Ringlemere Cup Precious Cups and the Beginning of the Channel Bronze Age by Needham, Stuart, Parfitt, K... ISBN: 9780861591633 List Price: $46.00
M-libraries 2: A Virtual Library in Everyone's Pocket (Facet Publications (All Titles as Pub... by Gill Needham, Mohamed Ally ISBN: 9781856046961 List Price: $105.00