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General System of Nature : Through the three grand kingdoms of animals, vegetables, and mine... by Ncrs, Metcalf Collection, L... ISBN: 9781174883569 List Price: $60.75
Animal Kingdom, Arranged According to Its Organization, Serving As a Foundation for the Natu... by Ncrs, Metcalf Collection, C... ISBN: 9781175033017 List Price: $45.75
Dictionnaire Classique des Sciences Naturelles : Présentant la définition, l'analyse et l'hi... by Ncrs, Metcalf Collection, D... ISBN: 9781175122315 List Price: $54.75
Nouveau Dictionnaire D'Histoire Naturelle, Appliquée Aux Arts, À L'Agriculture, À L'Économie... by Ncrs, Metcalf Collection ISBN: 9781175302748 List Price: $46.75
Nouveau Dictionnaire D'Histoire Naturelle, Appliquée Aux Arts, À L'Agriculture, À L'Économie... by Ncrs, Metcalf Collection ISBN: 9781175302731 List Price: $45.75
Les cicadines d'Europe: d'aprs les originaux et les publications les plus rcentes (French Ed... by Franz Xaver Fieber, Metcalf... ISBN: 9781178907414 List Price: $28.75
General Zoology, or Systematic Natural History by Shaw, George, Stephens, Jam... ISBN: 9781178768350 List Price: $33.75
Annual Report on the Noxious, Beneficial and Other Insects of the State of Missouri by Missouri. State Entomologis... ISBN: 9781174767876 List Price: $48.75
Cabinet of Oriental Entomology : Being a selection of some of the rarer and more beautiful s... by Westwood, J o. 1805-1893, N... ISBN: 9781174799860 List Price: $27.75
Cassell's Natural History by Duncan, P. Martin 1821-1891... ISBN: 9781174860409 List Price: $56.75
Cassell's Natural History by Duncan, P. Martin 1821-1891... ISBN: 9781175096067 List Price: $56.75
Animal Kingdom, Arranged According to Its Organization, Serving As a Foundation for the Natu... by Cuvier, Georges, Latreille,... ISBN: 9781175375803 List Price: $35.75
Animal Communities in Temperate America, As Illustrated in the Chicago Region; a Study in An... by Shelford, Victor E. B. 1877... ISBN: 9781175380159 List Price: $33.75
Animal Kingdom, Arranged According to Its Organization, Serving As a Foundation for the Natu... by Cuvier, Georges, Latreille,... ISBN: 9781175378873 List Price: $34.75
Animal Kingdom, Arranged According to Its Organization, Serving As a Foundation for the Natu... by Cuvier, Georges, Latreille,... ISBN: 9781175386694 List Price: $34.75
Animal Kingdom : Arranged after its organization, forming a natural history of animals, and ... by Cuvier, Georges, NCRS, Metc... ISBN: 9781175398925 List Price: $55.75
Animal Kingdom, Arranged According to Its Organization, Serving As a Foundation for the Natu... by Cuvier, Georges, Latreille,... ISBN: 9781175410429 List Price: $31.75
Animal Kingdom, Arranged According to Its Organization, Serving As a Foundation for the Natu... by Cuvier, Georges, Latreille,... ISBN: 9781175414755 List Price: $39.75
Illustrations de Zoologie, Ou Recueil de Figures D'Animaux Peintes D'Après Nature; by Lesson, R. P. 1794-1849, NC... ISBN: 9781175738639 List Price: $32.75
Illustrations of Exotic Entomology : Containing upwards of six hundred and fifty figures and... by Drury, Dru, Westwood, J o. ... ISBN: 9781175739032 List Price: $63.75
Des Herrn Kaspar Stoll Natürliche und Nach Dem Leben Gemalte Abbildungen und Beschreibungen ... by Stoll, Caspar, NCRS, Metcal... ISBN: 9781175966551 List Price: $21.75
Guide to the Natural History of the Isle of Wight : A series of contributions by specialists... by Morey, Frank, NCRS, Metcalf... ISBN: 9781175977571 List Price: $45.75
Guide to the Study of Insects and a Treatise on Those Injurious and Beneficial to Crops : Fo... by Packard, A. S. 1839-1905, N... ISBN: 9781175996701 List Price: $53.75
Dictionnaire Classique des Sciences Naturelles : Présentant la définition, l'analyse et l'hi... by Drapiez, Pierre Auguste Jos... ISBN: 9781176055797 List Price: $53.75
Handbook of Medical Entomology by Riley, William Albert, Joha... ISBN: 9781176019195 List Price: $32.75
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