Showing 1 - 6 of 6 Results
Bernard Picart and the First Global Vision of Religion (Issues and Debates Series) by Hunt, Lynn, Jacob, Margaret... ISBN: 9780892369683 List Price: $65.00
The Book That Changed Europe: Picart and Bernard's Religious Ceremonies of the World by Hunt, Lynn, Jacob, Margaret... ISBN: 9780674049284 List Price: $32.95
Dutch Culture in a European Perspective 2: 1800: Blueprints for a National Community by Joost Kloek, Wijnand Mijnhardt ISBN: 9781403934376 List Price: $68.00
Dutch Republic in the Eighteenth Century: Decline, Enlightenment, and Revolution by Jacob, Margaret C., Mijnhar... ISBN: 9780801480508 List Price: $19.95
Dutch Republic in the Eighteenth Century by Jacob, Margaret C., Mijnhar... ISBN: 9780801426247 List Price: $47.50