Showing 1 - 25 of 26 Results
Processes, Systems, and Information: An Introduction to MIS (2nd Edition) by Earl McKinney, David M. Kro... ISBN: 9780133546750 List Price: $230.20
Processes, Systems, and Information: An Introduction to MIS by David Kroenke, Earl McKinney ISBN: 9780132783477 List Price: $213.40
MyITLab for MIS with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Processes, Systems, and Information... by David M. Kroenke, Earl McKi... ISBN: 9780133826098 List Price: $104.67
Essentials of Processes, Systems and Information by Earl McKinney, David Kroenke ISBN: 9780133406757 List Price: $87.60
Processes, Systems, and Information: An Introduction to MIS, Student Value Edition (2nd Edit... by David M. Kroenke, Earl McKi... ISBN: 9780133546903 List Price: $149.67
Processes, Systems, and Information: An Introduction to MIS, Student Value Edition Plus MyMI... by David M. Kroenke, Earl McKi... ISBN: 9780133025743 List Price: $133.60
Processes, Systems, and Information: An Introduction to MIS, Student Value Edition by David Kroenke, Earl McKinney ISBN: 9780132783552 List Price: $138.73
Processes, Systems, and Information by Kroenke, David M., McKinney... ISBN: 9780132771573
Processes, Systems, and Information: An Introduction to MIS, Student Value Edition Plus 2014... by David M. Kroenke, Earl McKi... ISBN: 9780133890860 List Price: $146.07
Processes, Systems, and Information: An Introduction to MIS, Student Value Edition Plus MyIT... by David M. Kroenke, Earl McKi... ISBN: 9780133891591 List Price: $146.07
Essentials of Processes, Systems and Information, Student Value Edition by McKinney, Earl, Kroenke, David ISBN: 9780133406740 List Price: $52.00
Processes, Systems, and Information: An Introduction to MIS (3rd Edition) by McKinney, Earl H., Jr., Kro... ISBN: 9780134827001 List Price: $253.32
Processes, Systems, and Information : An Introduction to MIS, Student Value Edition Plus Myl... by McKinney, Earl H., Jr., Kro... ISBN: 9780134873510 List Price: $181.00
MyMISLab with Pearson EText --Access Card -- for Processes, Systems, and Information : An In... by McKinney, Earl H., Jr., Kro... ISBN: 9780134867229 List Price: $121.15
Processes, Systems, and Information: An Introduction to MIS Plus MyLab MIS with Pearson eTex... by McKinney, Earl H., Jr., Kro... ISBN: 9780134854441 List Price: $262.07
Processes, Systems, and Information: An Introduction to MIS Plus 2014 MyMISLab with Pearson ... by David M. Kroenke, Earl McKi... ISBN: 9780133873238 List Price: $224.20
Processes, Systems, and Information : An Introduction to MIS by McKinney, Earl H., Jr., Kro... ISBN: 9780133546835
Processes, Systems, and Information : An Introduction to MIS by McKinney, Earl, Jr., Kroenk... ISBN: 9780137432073 List Price: $206.65
MyLab MIS with Pearson EText -- Combo Access Card -- for Processes, Systems, and Information by McKinney, Earl, Jr., Kroenk... ISBN: 9780137326501 List Price: $153.32
MyLab MIS with Pearson EText for Processes, Systems, and Information : An Introduction to MI... by McKinney, Earl, Jr., Kroenk... ISBN: 9780136926245 List Price: $119.99
Processes, Systems, and Information: an Introduction to Mis by Kroenke, David M., Mckinney... ISBN: 9780133071450
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