In Case You Teach English: An Interactive Casebook for Prospective and Practicing Teachers
by Larry R. Johannessen, Thoma...
ISBN: 9780130623102
List Price: $39.80
Reflective Teaching, Reflective Learning How to Develop Critically Engaged Readers, Writers,...
by McCann, Thomas M., Johannes...
ISBN: 9780325008523
List Price: $35.00
Talking in Class Using Discussion to Enhance Teaching And Learning
by McCann, Thomas M., Johannes...
ISBN: 9780814150016
List Price: $35.95
Transforming Talk into Text--Argument Writing, Inquiry, and Discussion, Grades 6-12
by McCann, Thomas M., Hillocks...
ISBN: 9780807755891
List Price: $76.00
Teaching Matters Most: A School Leader's Guide to Improving Classroom Instruction
by Thomas M. McCann, Alan C. J...
ISBN: 9781452205106
List Price: $34.95
Transforming Talk into Text--Argument Writing, Inquiry, and Discussion, Grades 6-12
by McCann, Thomas M., Hillocks...
ISBN: 9780807755884
List Price: $31.95
Supporting Beginning English Teachers: Research and Implications for Teacher Induction
by Thomas M. McCann, Larry R. ...
ISBN: 9780814102695
List Price: $31.95
Teaching Students to Write Comparison/Contrast Essays
by Smagorinsky, Peter, McCann,...
ISBN: 9780325033983
List Price: $18.13
Teaching Students to Write Personal Narratives (The Dynamics of Writing Instruction Series)
by Peter Smagorinsky, Larry R....
ISBN: 9780325033976
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Teaching Students to Write Fictional Narratives
by Smagorinsky, Peter, Johanne...
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Literacy and History in Action : Immersive Approaches to Disciplinary Thinking, Grades 5-12
by McCann, Thomas M., D'Angelo...
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List Price: $31.95
Teaching on Solid Ground : Knowledge Foundations for the Teacher of English
by McCann, Thomas M., Knapp, J...
ISBN: 9781462537631
List Price: $75.00
Raise Your Voices : Inquiry, Discussion, and Literacy Learning
by McCann, Thomas M., Bouque, ...
ISBN: 9781475844290
List Price: $50.00
Teaching Matters Most A School Leader's Guide to Improving Classroom Instruction
by Thomas M. McCann
ISBN: 9788132116073
Literacy and History in Action : Immersive Approaches to Disciplinary Thinking, Grades 5-12
by McCann, Thomas M., D'Angelo...
ISBN: 9780807757352
List Price: $78.00
Learning to Enjoy Literature : How Teachers Can Model and Motivate
by McCann, Thomas M., Knapp, J...
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List Price: $80.00
Learning to Enjoy Literature : How Teachers Can Model and Motivate
by Knapp, John V., McCann, Tho...
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List Price: $35.00
Teaching Literature in High School : Principles into Purposeful Practice
by McCann, Thomas M., Knapp, J...
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List Price: $80.00
Teaching Literature in High School : Principles into Purposeful Practice
by McCann, Thomas M., Knapp, J...
ISBN: 9781475860252
List Price: $33.00
Raise Your Voices : Inquiry, Discussion, and Literacy Learning
by McCann, Thomas M., Bouque, ...
ISBN: 9781475844283
List Price: $100.00
Teaching on Solid Ground : Knowledge Foundations for the Teacher of English
by McCann, Thomas M., Knapp, J...
ISBN: 9781462537624
List Price: $30.00