Showing 1 - 25 of 539 Results
Feldbluse: The German Army Field Tunic, 1933-45 by Huart, Laurent, Borg, Jean-... ISBN: 9782352500100
Before and Beyond Divergence : The Politics of Economic Change in China and Europe by Rosenthal, Jean-Laurent, Wo... ISBN: 9780674057913 List Price: $45.00
Planet Ocean A Voyage to the Heart of the Marine Realm by Ballesta, Laurent, Descamp,... ISBN: 9781426201868 List Price: $40.00
The Fruits of Revolution: Property Rights, Litigation and French Agriculture, 1700-1860 by Rosenthal, Jean-Laurent ISBN: 9780521103121 List Price: $34.99
Babar Visits Another Planet by de Brunhoff, Laurent, de Br... ISBN: 9780810942448 List Price: $16.95
Surviving Large Losses Financial Crises, the Middle Class, and the Development of Capital Ma... by Hoffman, Philip T., Postel-... ISBN: 9780674024694 List Price: $27.95
Travels of Babar Pop-up Book - Jean de Brunhoff - Pop Up Book by de Brunhoff, Jean, de Brunh... ISBN: 9780679821519
Fruits of Revolution Property Rights, Litigation, and French Agriculture, 1700-1860 by Rosenthal, Jean-Laurent, Ca... ISBN: 9780521392204 List Price: $95.00
Surviving Large Losses: Financial Crises, the Middle Class, and the Development of Capital M... by Hoffman, Philip T., Postel-... ISBN: 9780674036369 List Price: $17.95
Isabelle the Flower Girl A Babar Story by Weiss, Ellen, de Brunhoff, ... ISBN: 9780810950399 List Price: $9.95
Un Camion Fonáait Dans La Nuit by Laurent, Jean-Luc ISBN: 9781412071741 List Price: $25.93
Priceless Markets The Political Economy of Credit in Paris, 1660-1870 by Hoffman, Philip T., Postel-... ISBN: 9780226348018 List Price: $70.00
Finance, Intermediaries, and Economic Development by Engerman, Stanley L., Hoffm... ISBN: 9780521820547 List Price: $95.00
Babar Goes to School by de Brunhoff, Laurent, de Br... ISBN: 9780810945821 List Price: $9.95
Babar's Counting Book by de Brunhoff, Laurent, de Br... ISBN: 9780810942431 List Price: $16.95
Conferences Ecclesiastiques Sur Plusieurs Points Importans De La Morale Chretienne V1 (1755)... by Le Semelier, Jean Laurent ISBN: 9781166059958 List Price: $30.36
Finance, Intermediaries, and Economic Development by Engerman, Stanley L., Hoffm... ISBN: 9780521147415 List Price: $36.99
Confrences Ecclsiastiques De Paris, Sur L'usure Et La Restitution, O L'on Concilie La Discip... by Jean-Laurent Le Semelier, J... ISBN: 9781178898989 List Price: $39.75
Superstitions et Survivances : �tudi�es Au Point de Vue de Leur Origine et de Leurs Transfor... by B�renger-F�raud, Laurent-Je... ISBN: 9781277062267 List Price: $42.75
Superstitions et Survivances : �tudi�es Au Point de Vue de Leur Origine et de Leurs Transfor... by B�renger-F�raud, Laurent-Je... ISBN: 9781277194869 List Price: $43.75
Superstitions et Survivances : �tudi�es Au Point de Vue de Leur Origine et de Leurs Transfor... by B�renger-F�raud, Laurent-Je... ISBN: 9781277194678 List Price: $42.75
Superstitions et Survivances : �tudi�es Au Point de Vue de Leur Origine et de Leurs Transfor... by B�renger-F�raud, Laurent-Je... ISBN: 9781276370134 List Price: $42.75
Saint-Mandrier pres Toulon; contribution a l'histoire de la localite et de l'hopital maritim... by Laurent Jean Baptis Berenge... ISBN: 9781249009412 List Price: $43.75
Superstitions Et Survivances de Leur Origine Et de Leurs Transformations. T1 (Ed.1896) (Fren... by Berenger Feraud L. J. B., L... ISBN: 9782012626874 List Price: $33.95
Itineraire Ou Passe-Temps de Lyon a Macon, (Ed.1812) (French Edition) by Mazade E. L. J., Etienne-La... ISBN: 9782012674295 List Price: $18.95
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