Proceedings of the Sudden Oak Death Fourth Science Symposium: June 15-18, 2009; Santa Cruz, ...
by Susan J. Frankel, John T. K...
ISBN: 9781480198630
List Price: $31.99
Risk Assessment of Climate Change and the Impact of Forest Diseases on Forest Ecosystems in ...
by Kliejunas, John, Agricultur...
ISBN: 9781480146839
List Price: $19.99
Review of Literature on Climate Change and Forest Diseases of Western North America
by Kliejunas, John, Geils, Bri...
ISBN: 9781480163386
List Price: $17.99
Sudden Oak Death and Phytophthora ramorum: A Summary of the Literature
by Kliejunas, John
ISBN: 9781470110574
List Price: $25.99
Review of Literature on Climate Change and Forest Diseases of Western North America
by Kliejunas, John T.
ISBN: 9781437926170
List Price: $25.00