Showing 1 - 8 of 8 Results
State-Space Models With Regime Switching Classical and Gibbs-Sampling Approaches With Applic... by Kim, Chang-Jin, Nelson, Cha... ISBN: 9780262112383 List Price: $63.00
Dealing with Endogeneity in Regression Models with Dynamic Coefficients by Kim, Chang-Jin ISBN: 9781601983121 List Price: $80.00
International Finance Discussion Papers : The Less Volatile U. S. Economy by United States Federal Reser... ISBN: 9781288731145 List Price: $16.75
International Finance Discussion Papers : Common Stochastic Trends, Common Cycles, and Asymm... by United States Federal Reser... ISBN: 9781288732654 List Price: $15.75
The Intellectual Appropriation of Technology: Discourses On Modernity, 1900-1939 by Kim Chang-jin Nelson Charles R ISBN: 9780262277112