Down to Earth Foundations Past and Present The Invisible Art of the Builder
by Kerisel, Jean
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List Price: $104.00
Of Stones And Man from the Pharaohs to the Present Day From the Pharaohs to the Present Day
by Kerisel, Jean
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List Price: $88.95
Active and Passive Earth Pressure Tables
by Kerisel, Jean, Absi, E.
ISBN: 9789061918868
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Nile and Its Masters Past, Present, Future Source of Hope and Anger
by Kerisel, Jean
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Of Stones And Man from the Pharaohs to the Present Day From the Pharaohs to the Present Day
by Kerisel, Jean
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List Price: $45.95
Down to Earth : Foundations Past and Present: The Invisible Art of the Builder
by Kerisel, Jean
ISBN: 9780317014464
List Price: $39.50