Showing 1 - 25 of 105 Results
A People Divided Against Themselves: Black Indians of the Appalachia Since the by Dr. Rufus O. Jimerson ISBN: 9781482606164 List Price: $70.00
American Exceptionalism: Castles Made of Sand by Dr Rufus O Jimerson ISBN: 9781500107741 List Price: $45.00
Speaking With A Forked Tongue: The Legacy of Treachery Against Native American by Dr. Rufus O. Jimerson ISBN: 9781499139044 List Price: $43.00
The Mental Slavery That Undermines Self-Reliance, Unity and Development Among Af (The Mental... by Jimerson, Rufus, Dr. Rufus ... ISBN: 9781539430544 List Price: $40.00
The Benefits, Beneficiaries, and Victims of American Racism by Jimerson, Rufus, Dr. Rufus ... ISBN: 9781517724634 List Price: $40.00
Self-Determination Among House and Field Slaves by Jimerson, Rufus, Dr. Rufus ... ISBN: 9781986224475 List Price: $48.00
The Impact of Afro-Europeans on the Renaissance of the Middle Ages by Dr. Rufus O. Jimerson ISBN: 9781087137698 List Price: $40.00
Time Travelers : Ancient Astronauts from the Future by Jimerson, Rufus ISBN: 9781482034899 List Price: $34.99
Devaluation, Self-Hatred, and the Effects of Underdevelopment on African-Americans by Jimerson, Rufus ISBN: 9781481960380 List Price: $25.99
Black Indians of the Appalachia : : Colonization to the Civil War by Jimerson, Rufus ISBN: 9781482378962 List Price: $34.99
Shattered Dreams: How Hegemony, Hypocrisy and the Southern Strategy Undermined t by Dr. Rufus O Jimerson ISBN: 9781491250440 List Price: $60.00
Ahead of Their Times : Geniuses and the Quantum Leap Forward They Traversed by Jimerson, Rufus ISBN: 9781490510941 List Price: $45.00
He is Not One of Us: President Obama and the extent of Self-Identification Politics by Dr. Rufus O Jimerson ISBN: 9781467543385 List Price: $25.99
Challenge to Reason, Civil Discourse by Jimerson, Rufus/O. ISBN: 9781450732123 List Price: $32.00
Black Christmas: The Truth Behind the Suppression and Displacement of the Just by Dr. Rufus O Jimerson ISBN: 9781495447006 List Price: $30.00
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