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Koda-Kimble and Young's Applied Therapeutics: The Clinical Use of Drugs by Brian K. Alldredge PharmD, ... ISBN: 9781609137137 List Price: $205.99
Cliffscomplete Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare, William, Lamb,... ISBN: 9780764585746 List Price: $10.99
Solving the Pell Equation by Jacobson, Michael, Williams... ISBN: 9780387849225 List Price: $79.95
Teaching the New Library to Today's Users Reaching International, Minority, Senior Citizens,... by Jacobson, Trudi E., William... ISBN: 9781555703790 List Price: $75.00
Needs Assessment A Model for Community Planning by Neuber, Keith A., Atkins, W... ISBN: 9780803913967 List Price: $61.95
Mining and Natural Hazard Vulnerability in the Philippines by Holden, William N., Jacobso... ISBN: 9780857287762
Solving the Pell Equation by Jacobson, Michael, Williams... ISBN: 9781441927477 List Price: $79.95
The Art and Science of Teaching Orientation and Mobility to Persons With Visual Impairments by William H. Jacobson ISBN: 9780891282594 List Price: $49.95
Shaping of Foreign Policy by Jacobson, Harold Karan, Zim... ISBN: 9780202309958
Benjamin Franklin: Inventor, Statesman, and Patriot by Stein, R. Conrad, Jacobson,... ISBN: 9780528824791
Fragmentary illustrations of the history of the Book of common prayer, from manuscript sourc... by Sanderson, William, Jacobso... ISBN: 9781116878356 List Price: $19.75
Shells from Cape Cod to Cape May with Special Reference to the New York City Area by Jacobson, Morris K., Emerso... ISBN: 9780486214023 List Price: $2.50
Wonders of the World of Shells: Sea, Land and Fresh-Water by Jacobson, Morris K., Emerso... ISBN: 9780396063261 List Price: $5.95
Fragmentary Illustrations of the History of the Book of Common Prayer : From manuscript Sources by Sanderson, Robert, Wren, Ma... ISBN: 9781178252446 List Price: $20.75
Sixteen Sermons Preached in the Parish Church of Iffley, Oxon by Jacobson, William ISBN: 9781165116485 List Price: $25.56
Sixteen Sermons Preached in the Parish Church of Iffley, Oxon by Jacobson, William ISBN: 9781165220786 List Price: $37.56
Delucia v. New York U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with Supporting Pleadings by WILLIAM SONENSHINE, BENJ J ... ISBN: 9781270519126 List Price: $30.99
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Traditional U. S. History Instruction Versus U. S. Histor... by Jacobson, David William ISBN: 9781249830740 List Price: $69.00
Works of Robert Sanderson V3 : Sometime Bishop of Lincoln (1854) by Sanderson, Robert, Jacobson... ISBN: 9781167228995 List Price: $27.16
Fragmentary Illustrations of the History of the Book of Common Prayer, from Manuscript Sources by Wren, Matthew, Sanderson, B... ISBN: 9781164216414 List Price: $28.76
Works of Robert Sanderson V6 : Sometime Bishop of Lincoln (1854) by Sanderson, Robert, Jacobson... ISBN: 9781164430216 List Price: $42.36
Fragmentary Illustrations of the History of the Book of Common Prayer, from Manuscript Sources by Wren, Matthew, Sanderson, B... ISBN: 9780548910702 List Price: $35.95
American Museum of Natural History Guide to Shells by Emerson, William K., Jacobs... ISBN: 9780394730486 List Price: $8.95
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