Showing 1 - 25 of 27 Results
MEthodes En ThEorie DES Champs =: Methods in Field Theory by Balian, R. M., Zinn-Justin, J. ISBN: 9789971830786 List Price: $44.00
Methods in Field Theory (Les Houches Summer School Proceedings) by Balian, R. M., Zinn-Justin, J. ISBN: 9789971830151 List Price: $26.00
Oceanographic and Geophysical Tomography : Proceedings of the Les Houches Summer School, Cou... by Desaubies, Y., Tarantola, A... ISBN: 9780444887795 List Price: $153.75
Large Order Behaviour of Perturbation Theory by Zinn-Justin, J., Leguillo, ... ISBN: 9780444885944 List Price: $121.00
Fields, Strings and Critical Phenomena by Brézin, Edouard, Zinn-Justi... ISBN: 9780444884404 List Price: $170.00
Strongly Interacting Fermions and High Tc Superconductivity by Doucot, B., Zinn-Justin, J. ISBN: 9780444821904 List Price: $250.00
Fluctuating Geometries in Statistical Mechanics and Field Theory Proceedings of the Les Houc... by David, F., Ginsparg, P., Zi... ISBN: 9780444822949 List Price: $318.00
Chaos and Quantum Physics: Proceedings of the Les Houches Summer School, Course Lii, 1-31 Au... by Giannoni, M. J., Voros, A.,... ISBN: 9780444892775 List Price: $234.00
Fundamental Systems in Quantum Optics/Systemes Fondamentaux En Optique Quantique 25 Juin-27 ... by Dalibard, J., Raimond, J. M... ISBN: 9780444897367 List Price: $318.00
Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena by Zinn-Justin, J. ISBN: 9780198518730 List Price: $90.00
Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena by Zinn-Justin, J. ISBN: 9780198520535 List Price: $85.00
Liquids at Interfaces: Proceedings of the Les Houches Summer School, Course XLVIII, May-June... by Charvolin, J., Joanny, J. F... ISBN: 9780444884503 List Price: $256.50
Computational Fluid Dynamics= Mecanique Des Fluides Numerique: Les Houches Session Lvix 28 J... by Compte, P., Lesieur, M., Zi... ISBN: 9780444822925 List Price: $247.00
Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics: Proceedings of the Les Houches Summer School, Course XLVII, 29... by Zahn, J. P., Zinn-Justin, J. ISBN: 9780444817976 List Price: $296.50
Progres du Traitement des Images (Progress in Picture Processing) - H. Maitre - Hardcover by Maitre, H., Zinn-Justin, J. ISBN: 9780444824073 List Price: $202.50
Supernovae: Proceedings of the Les Houches Summer School, Course Liv, 31 July-1 September, 1... by Bludman, S. A., Mochkovitch... ISBN: 9780444814746 List Price: $305.00
Liquids Freezing and the Glass Transition by Hansen, J. P., Levesque, D.... ISBN: 9780444889270 List Price: $178.00
Liquids, Freezing and Glass Transition/Liquides, Crystalization Et Transition Vitreuse by Hansen, J. P., Levesque, D.... ISBN: 9780444889287 List Price: $178.00
Gravitation Et Quantifications = Graviation and Quantizations (Les Houches Summer School Pr... by Julia, B., Zinn-Justin, J. ISBN: 9780444820761 List Price: $307.00
Liquids, Freezing and the Glass Transition Pts. 1 & 2 : Proceedings of the Les Houches Summe... by Hansen, J. P., Levesque, D.... ISBN: 9780685414392 List Price: $223.50
Large-Order Behaviour of Perturbation Theory by Le Guillou, J. C., Zinn-Jus... ISBN: 9780685451038 List Price: $145.00
Phase Transitions Carg�se 1980 by Levy, J., Zinn-Justin, Jean... ISBN: 9781461333494 List Price: $99.00
Strong Interaction Physics: Heidelberg-Karlsruhe International Summer Institute in Theoretic... by D. Atkinson, R. A. Brandt, ... ISBN: 9783662155929 List Price: $99.00
Large-Order Behaviour of Perturbation Theory by Le Guillou, J. C., Zinn-Jus... ISBN: 9780444885975 List Price: $69.00
Particles in the Nineties by Iliopoulos, J., Zinn-Justin... ISBN: 9780614179064
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