Grusel, Terror, Videospiel: Der Zombie im Film und sein Weg in die amerikanische Populrkultu...
by Christoph Hurka
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On the Road to Permissiveness? : Change and Covergence of Moral Regulation in Europe
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Policy Accumulation and the Democratic Responsiveness Trap (Cambridge Studies in Comparative...
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Kill the Brain! George A. Romero und Die Geburt des Modernen Zombiefilms
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Elements of Modern Literature and the Theme of Initiation in Canadian and American Short Fic...
by Christoph Hurka
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Untote in Pittsburgh. George A. Romeros Night of the Living Dead Als Schwellenfilm des Ameri...
by Hurka, Christoph
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Policy Accumulation and the Democratic Responsiveness Trap
by Adam, christian, Hurka, Ste...
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Alan Moores the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen ALS Reflektion Der Viktorianischen Literat...
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