Showing 1 - 10 of 10 Results
Isolation and Selection of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) rhizobia: Effective Faba Bean (Vicia fa... by Abere Mnalku, Prof. Heluf G... ISBN: 9783639350548 List Price: $70.00
Evaluation of Slow Release Urea Fertilizer on Yields of Wheat and Teff by Abebe Getu Asfaw, Heluf Geb... ISBN: 9783659413384 List Price: $65.00
N and P Nutrition in Rain Fed Lowland Rice by Seyoum, Mulugeta, Gebre Kid... ISBN: 9783847310525 List Price: $63.00
Soil Properties of Woreta ATVET College Research Farm, Ethiopia: Classification of soil alon... by Mebit Kebede, Eneyew Adgo, ... ISBN: 9783659165443 List Price: $60.00
Liming Acidic Soils: the promising intervention for barley growing areas by Ashebir Tadesse, Heluf Gebr... ISBN: 9783659282560 List Price: $63.00
Resposta Do Milho (zea Mays L.) Ao Estrume De Quinta E Ao Tratamento Com Gesso by Adane, Assefa, Gebere Kidan... ISBN: 9786206253365
R?ponse Du Ma?s (zea Mays L.) Au Fumier De Ferme Et Au Traitement Au Gypse by Adane, Assefa, Gebere Kidan... ISBN: 9786206253334
Reaktion Von Mais (zea Mays L.) Auf Mit Hofd?nger Und Gips Behandelten by Adane, Assefa, Gebere Kidan... ISBN: 9786206253372
Response of Maize (zea Mays L.) to Farmyard Manure and Gypsum Treated by Adane, Assefa, Gebere Kidan... ISBN: 9783659580949