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Deadly Dreams Opium, Imperialism, and the Arrow War (1856-1860)in China by Wong, J. Y., Hannan, Patric... ISBN: 9780521526197 List Price: $74.00
Shanghai Badlands Wartime Terrorism and Urban Crime, 1937-1941 by Hannan, Patrick, Twitchett,... ISBN: 9780521528719 List Price: $39.99
Thought of Chang Tsai, 1020-1077 by Kasoff, Ira E., Hannan, Pat... ISBN: 9780521529471 List Price: $46.00
Law and Order in Sung China by McKnight, Brian E., Hannan,... ISBN: 9780521033718 List Price: $100.00
Mourning in Late Imperial China Filial Piety and the State by Kutcher, Norman, Hannan, Pa... ISBN: 9780521624398 List Price: $110.00
Stone Lake The Poetry of Fan Chengda 1126-1193 by Schmidt, J. D., Hannan, Pat... ISBN: 9780521032759 List Price: $48.00
Reconsidering Tu Fu Literary Greatness And Cultural Context by Chou, Eva Shan, Hightower, ... ISBN: 9780521028288 List Price: $53.00
Mourning in Late Imperial China Filial Piety And the State by Kutcher, Norman, Hannan, Pa... ISBN: 9780521030182 List Price: $48.00
Religious Experience and Lay Society in T'Ang China A Reading of Tai Fu's Kuang-I Chi by Dudbridge, Glen, Hannan, Pa... ISBN: 9780521893220 List Price: $53.00
Writing of Official History Under the T'Ang by Twitchett, Denis, Twitchett... ISBN: 9780521522939 List Price: $48.00
From Chronicle To Canon The Hermeneutics Of The Spring And Autumn Annals According To Tung C... by Queen, Sarah A., Hannan, Pa... ISBN: 9780521612135 List Price: $61.00
Y?an Hung-tao And the Kung-an School by Chou, Chih-P'ing, Hannan, P... ISBN: 9780521027656 List Price: $39.99
Deadly Dreams Opium, Imperialism, and the Arrow War (1856-1860)in China by Wong, J. Y., Hannan, Patric... ISBN: 9780521552554 List Price: $147.00
From Chronicle to Canon The Hermeneutics of the Spring and Autumn, According to Tung Chung-Shu by Queen, Sarah A., Hannan, Pa... ISBN: 9780521482264 List Price: $126.00
Poetry and Politics: The Life and Works of Juan Chi, A. D. 210- 263 by Holzman, Donald, Hannan, Pa... ISBN: 9780521208550 List Price: $47.50
Serendipity, Luck and Wisdom in Research by Hannan, Patrick ISBN: 9780595365517 List Price: $18.95
Cosmology and Political Culture in Early China by Wang, Aihe, Hannan, Patrick... ISBN: 9780521027496 List Price: $53.00
Within the Human Realm: The Poetry of Huang Zunxian, 1848-1905 by Schmidt, J. D., Hannan, Pat... ISBN: 9780521462716 List Price: $109.00
The Mandarin-Capitalists from Nanyang: Overseas Chinese Enterprise in the Modernisation of C... by Godley, Michael R., Hannan,... ISBN: 9780521526951 List Price: $45.00
Shanghai Badlands Wartime Terrorism and Urban Crime, 1937-1941 by Wakeman, Frederic, Jr., Han... ISBN: 9780521497442 List Price: $100.00
Philosophy, Philology, and Politics in Eighteenth-Century China Li Fu and Lu-Wang School Und... by Chin-shing Huang, Hannan, P... ISBN: 9780521482257 List Price: $109.00
Philosophy, Philology, and Politics in Eighteenth-Century China Li Fu and the Lu-Wang School... by Huang, Jing-Xing, Huang, C.... ISBN: 9780521529464 List Price: $36.99
Community Trade and Networks Southern Fujian Province from the Third to the Thirteenth Century by Clark, Hugh R., Hannan, Pat... ISBN: 9780521894470 List Price: $51.00
Law and Order in Sung China by McKnight, Brian E., Hannan,... ISBN: 9780521411219 List Price: $189.00
Liu Tsung-Yuan and Intellectual Change in T'Ang China, 773-819 by Chen, Jo-Shui, Hannan, Patr... ISBN: 9780521419642 List Price: $105.00
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