Ten Years on the Rock Pile: A Collection of Stories, Some Hilarious, Some Tragic, about Life...
by Vincent, Lee, Gosselin, Guy...
ISBN: 9780803234130
List Price: $18.95
Mount Washington: A Guide & Short History
by Randall, Peter E., Gosselin...
ISBN: 9780881502206
List Price: $9.95
Among the White Hills: The Life and Times of Guy L. Shorey
by Guy A. Gosselin, Susan B. H...
ISBN: 9780914339687
List Price: $35.00
La symphonie dans la cit: Lille au XIXe sicle (Musicologies) (French Edition)
by Guy Gosselin
ISBN: 9782711624041
List Price: $72.00
L'age d'or de la vie musicale a Douai, 1800-1850 (Collection Musique, musicologie) (French E...
by Guy Gosselin
ISBN: 9782870095799