Showing 1 - 25 of 50 Results
Cases and Materials on U. S. Antitrust in Global Context, 2d, 2010 Supplement by Fox, Eleanor M. ISBN: 9780314262028 List Price: $21.00
Revitalizing Antitrust in Its Second Century Essays on Legal, Economic, and Political Policy by Fox, Eleanor M., First, Har... ISBN: 9780899304397 List Price: $99.95
Cases and Materials on European Union Law (American Casebook Series) by Roger J. Goebel, William J.... ISBN: 9780314238139 List Price: $177.00
Global Issues in Antitrust and Competition Law by Fox, Eleanor M., Crane, Dan... ISBN: 9780314183620 List Price: $30.00
Cases & Materials on Antitrust (American Casebooks) by Lawrence A. Sullivan, Elean... ISBN: 9780314533197 List Price: $81.00
Ford Motor Co. v. United States U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with Supporting Plea... by ELEANOR M FOX, Additional C... ISBN: 9781270562825 List Price: $130.99
Design of Competition Law Institutions : Global Norms, Local Choices by Fox, Eleanor M., Trebilcock... ISBN: 9780199670048 List Price: $120.00
Cases and Materials on European Union Law by Goebel, Roger, Fox, Eleanor... ISBN: 9781634592260 List Price: $225.00
Global Issues in Antitrust and Competition Law by Fox, Eleanor, Crane, Daniel... ISBN: 9781634605267 List Price: $40.00
2016 Documents Supplement to Cases and Materials on European Union Law (American Casebook Se... by Roger Goebel, Eleanor Fox, ... ISBN: 9781634608107 List Price: $83.00
EU Competition Law : Cases, Text and Context by Fox, Eleanor M., Gerard, Da... ISBN: 9781786430854
EU Competition Law : Cases, Text and Context by Fox, Eleanor M., Gerard, Da... ISBN: 9781786430830
Cases and Materials on U.S. Antitrust in Global Context (American Casebook Series) by Eleanor M. Fox, Lawrence An... ISBN: 9780314231550 List Price: $182.00
European Community Law Selected Documents: (Including European Union Materials) : 1998 (Amer... by George A. Bermann, Roger J.... ISBN: 9780314228086 List Price: $36.65
Cases and Materials on European Community Law (American Casebook Series) by Roger J. Goebel, William J.... ISBN: 9780314011701 List Price: $91.60
Antitrust in Emerging and Developing Countries - 2nd Edition by Fox, Eleanor M., First, Har... ISBN: 9781939007520 List Price: $160.00
Competition Policy for the New Era : Insights from the BRICS Countries by Bonakele, Tembinkosi, Fox, ... ISBN: 9780198810674 List Price: $90.00
Cases and Materials on United States Antitrust in Global Context, 2d, 2009 Supplement (Ameri... by Eleanor M. Fox, Lawrence A.... ISBN: 9780314202475 List Price: $23.00
Competition Law and Policy in Latin America by Fox, Eleanor M., Sokol, D. ... ISBN: 9781841138824 List Price: $150.00
2004 Supplement to Cases and Materials on European Union Law, Second Edition (American Caseb... by George A. Bermann, Roger J.... ISBN: 9780314154125 List Price: $40.00
European Union Law: Selected Documents, 2002 (Black Letter Outline Series) by George A. Bermann, Roger J.... ISBN: 9780314238122 List Price: $67.00
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