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History of the Old English Letter Founderies Bound With a Disseration upon English Typograph... by Reed, Talbot Baines, Mores,... ISBN: 9781843713685 List Price: $185.00
De Aelfric : Dorobernensi Archiepiscopo, Commentarius by Mores, Edward Rowe ISBN: 9781149226810 List Price: $21.75
Biographical Memoirs of William GED by William Ged, Edward Rowe Mores ISBN: 9783337375560 List Price: $15.90
Figuræ Quædam Antiquæ Ex Cædmonis Monachi Paraphraseos in Genesin Exemplari Pervetusto in Bi... by Mores, Edward Rowe, Edward ... ISBN: 9781385662687 List Price: $19.95