Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Results
Plantas Argentinas Como Fuente de Metabolitos Antif�ngicos by Derita, Marcos Gabriel, Sor... ISBN: 9783845493251 List Price: $95.00
Essential Oils and Nanotechnology for Treatment of Microbial Diseases by Rai, Mahendra, Zacchino, Su... ISBN: 9781138630727
Diferentes estrategias para la búsqueda de compuestos antifúngicos: Síntesis química y biotr... by Zacchino Susana a, Derita M... ISBN: 9783844345803 List Price: $110.00
Essential Oils and Nanotechnology for Treatment of Microbial Diseases by Rai, Mahendra, Zacchino, Su... ISBN: 9780367781811