Set in a near-future metropolis, Ascend tells the dark, intriguing and seductive story of three banished angels waging an epic war on Earth. Sebastian, Gideon, and Seraphine are exiled from Heaven and forced to live among mortals. The three angels soon separate and seek a new path to return them home. Still bound by their angelic instincts, the three find they are still drawn to humans about to ascend. Longing to become human, Sebastian rejects his former existence, and falls in love with a mortal, Rebeka. Fascinated by his newfound power over mortals, Gideon soon shows an aptitude for taking human souls and finds himself ruler of a new army, poised to storm the gates of their former empire. Seraphine struggles to live amongst humans and foresees that her fate is linked to her fallen siblings. As Gideon's powers grow, Sebastian and Seraphine realize they must deny their new life and confront their brother, fuelling an epic struggle that threatens to destroy the universe.Arem, Keith is the author of 'Ascend', published 0000 under ISBN 9781582404301 and ISBN 1582404305.
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