Showing 1 - 25 of 78 Results
Improving Comprehension Instruction Rethinking Research, Theory, and Classroom Practice by Block, Cathy Collins, Gambr... ISBN: 9780787963095 List Price: $40.00
Comprehension Instruction by Block, Cathy Collins, Parri... ISBN: 9781593857004 List Price: $45.00
What Happy Companies Know How the New Science of Happiness Can Change Your Company for the B... by Baker, Dan, Greenberg, Cath... ISBN: 9780131858572 List Price: $29.99
Teaching All the Children Strategies for Developing Literacy in an Urban Setting by Cooper, Eric J., Tinajero, ... ISBN: 9781593850074 List Price: $40.00
Learning to Read Lessons from Exemplary First-Grade Classrooms by Block, Cathy Collins, Allin... ISBN: 9781572306493 List Price: $30.00
Reading First And Beyond The Complete Guide For Teachers And Literacy Coaches by Block, Cathy Collins, Israe... ISBN: 9781412914970 List Price: $34.95
Teaching Comprehension The Comprehension Process Approach by Collins-Block, Cathy ISBN: 9780205324477 List Price: $52.99
Collaborative Literacy Using Gifted Strategies to Enrich Learning for Every Student by Israel, Susan E., Block, Ca... ISBN: 9781412916981 List Price: $37.95
Teaching Thinking An Agenda for the Twenty-First Century by Mangieri, John N., Collins,... ISBN: 9780805808674 List Price: $89.95
Power Thinking How the Way You Think Can Change the Way You Lead by Mangieri, John N., Block, C... ISBN: 9780787968823 List Price: $29.95
The Vocabulary-Enriched Classroom: Practices for Improving the Reading Performance of All St... by Cathy Collins Block, John N... ISBN: 9780439730938 List Price: $24.99
Comprehension Process Instruction Creating Reading Success in Grades K-3 by Block, Cathy Collins, Rodge... ISBN: 9781593850234 List Price: $35.00
Animalogy : Animal Analogies by Berkes, Marianne Collins, M... ISBN: 9781607181378
Exemplary Literacy Teachers: What Schools Can Do to Promote Success for All Students by Block, Cathy Collins, Mangi... ISBN: 9781606232354 List Price: $30.00
Portfolio Assessment A Handbook for Educators by Barton, James, Collins, Ang... ISBN: 9780201493870 List Price: $18.50
Animalogy : Animal Analogies by Berkes, Marianne Collins, M... ISBN: 9781607181279
Reason to Read: Thinking Strategies for Life through Literature by Block, Cathy Collins, Mangi... ISBN: 9780201490480 List Price: $18.95
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