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The Heath Anthology Of American Literature: Colonial Period To 1800, Volume A by Paul Lauter, Richard Yarbor... ISBN: 9780618532971 List Price: $96.95
The Heath Anthology of American Literature: Volume C: Late Nineteenth Century (1865-1910) by Paul Lauter, Richard Yarbor... ISBN: 9780618532995 List Price: $107.95
The Ghost of Freedom: A History of the Caucasus by King, Charles ISBN: 9780195392395 List Price: $19.95
Black Sea a History by King, Charles ISBN: 9780199283941 List Price: $35.00
The Caucasus by King, Charles ISBN: 9780195177756 List Price: $29.95
Science Fiction Cinema From Outerspace to Cyberspace by King, Geoff, Krzywinska, Ta... ISBN: 9781903364031 List Price: $20.00
Team Spirits The Native American Mascots Controversy by King, C. Richard, Springwoo... ISBN: 9780803277984 List Price: $27.50
Extreme Politics: Nationalism, Violence, and the End of Eastern Europe by King, Charles ISBN: 9780195370386 List Price: $21.95
Odessa : Genius and Death in a City of Dreams by King, Charles ISBN: 9780393342369 List Price: $16.95
Beyond the Cheers Race As Spectacle in College Sport by King, C. Richard, Springwoo... ISBN: 9780791450062 List Price: $29.95
Kings Maiesties declaration to his subiects, concerning lawfull sports to bee Vsed (1633) by King of England Charles I ISBN: 9781171309482 List Price: $15.75
MLK: A Celebration in Word and Image by King, Martin Luther, Adelma... ISBN: 9780807003169 List Price: $15.00
Golf's Red Zone Challenge by Akins, Rob, King, Charles, ... ISBN: 9781600782138 List Price: $24.95
The Kings Maiesties declaration to his subiects, concerning lawfull sports to bee vsed (1634) by Charles I, King Of England ISBN: 9781240405695 List Price: $15.75
The case of free liberty of conscience in the exercise of faith and religion presented unto ... by Charles Ii, King Of England ISBN: 9781240808762 List Price: $14.75
His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects of the 12 of August 1642 (1642) by Charles I, King Of England,... ISBN: 9781171286165 List Price: $18.75
Articles agreed upon by the Archbishops and Bishops of both provinces and the whole clergy i... by Charles II, King of England ISBN: 9781171280545 List Price: $15.75
A short and plain way to the faith and church composed many years since by Richard Hudleston... by Charles II, King of England ISBN: 9781171279877 List Price: $16.75
His Majesties answer to a printed book entituled A remonstrance, or, The declaration of the ... by King of England Charles I ISBN: 9781171252948 List Price: $15.75
His Majesties answer to the declaration of both houses of Parliament, concerning the Commiss... by King of England Charles I ISBN: 9781171258377 List Price: $19.75
Reliquiae sacrae Carolinae. Or the works of that great monarch and glorious martyr King Char... by King of England Charles I ISBN: 9781171291572 List Price: $37.75
Works of That Great Monarch, and Glorious Martyr, King Charles I In by Charles I, King Of England ISBN: 9781170578476 List Price: $34.75
Works of King Charles I Both Civil and Sacred with the Life and Reign of That Prince by Charles I, King Of England ISBN: 9781170606803 List Price: $35.75
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