Balance Like a Pirate: Going beyond Work-Life Balance to Ignite Passion and Thrive as an Edu...
by Johnson, Jessica, Johnson, ...
ISBN: 9781946444929
List Price: $24.95
Hacking Early Learning: 10 Building Blocks to Success in Pre-K-3 That All Teachers and Schoo...
by Cabeen, Jessica, Jessica Ca...
ISBN: 9781948212021
List Price: $23.95
Unconventional Leadership: Bridging the Connected World with Meaningful Relationships
by Jessica M. Cabeen
ISBN: 9780367074463
List Price: $140.00
Unconventional Leadership: Bridging the Connected World with Meaningful Relationships
by Jessica M. Cabeen, Jessica ...
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List Price: $35.95
Principal in Balance : Leading at Work and Living a Life
by Cabeen, Jessica
ISBN: 9781119885764
List Price: $35.00
Lead with Grace: Leaning into the Soft Skills of Leadership (Lead Forward)
by Jessica Cabeen
ISBN: 9781948212168
List Price: $23.95