Showing 1 - 17 of 17 Results
The Four Things That Matter Most - 10th Anniversary Edition: A Book About Living by M.D. Ira Byock M.D. ISBN: 9781476748535 List Price: $24.00
Being with Dying: Cultivating Compassion and Fearlessness in the Presence of Death by Byock, Ira, Halifax, Joan ISBN: 9781590307182 List Price: $16.95
Four Things That Matter Most A Book About Living by Byock, Ira ISBN: 9780743249096 List Price: $24.00
Few Months to Live Different Paths to Life's End by Staton, Jana, Shuy, Roger W... ISBN: 9780878408412 List Price: $26.95
End-of-life Handbook A Compassionate Guide to Connecting With and Caring for a Dying Loved One by Feldman, David, Lasher, Ste... ISBN: 9781572245112 List Price: $17.95
Being with Dying by Halifax, Joan, Byock, Ira ISBN: 9781570624698
You and Your Anxious Child : Free Your Child from Fears and Worries and Create a Joyful Fami... by Byock, MD, Ira, Albano, Ann... ISBN: 9781583334959 List Price: $18.00
Palliative and End-Of-Life Pearls by Heffner, John E., Byock, Ira ISBN: 9781560535003 List Price: $59.95
Decir Lo Que Importa / the Four Things That Matter Most by Byock, Ira ISBN: 9788479536121 List Price: $14.95
A Few Months to Live: Different Paths to Life's End by Jana Staton, Roger W. Shuy,... ISBN: 9780878408405 List Price: $70.00
Feel Me Brave: A Chronicle of Illness, Loss, and Living Beyond by Stout, Jessica, Horak, Walt... ISBN: 9780986135309 List Price: $14.95