Showing 1 - 25 of 50 Results
World History : A Compact History of Humankind for Teachers and Students: the Big Eras by Burke III, Edmund, Christia... ISBN: 9780963321879 List Price: $15.00
Environmental Imaginaries of the Middle East and North Africa (Ecology & History) by Davis, Diana K., Burke, Edm... ISBN: 9780821419748 List Price: $59.95
Edmund Burke, New York Agent: With His Letters to the New York Assembly and Intimate Corresp... by Edmund III Burke, Charles O... ISBN: 9781258168698 List Price: $35.67
Essays by Edmund Burke: Harvard Classics, V24 by Edmund III Burke ISBN: 9781258188153 List Price: $29.02
The Works Of The Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Volume 4... by Edmund Burke III ISBN: 9781276963992 List Price: $36.75
Subversives and Mavericks in the Muslim Mediterranean : A Subaltern History by Moreau, Odile, Schaar, Stua... ISBN: 9781477310915 List Price: $55.00
Islam and World History : The Ventures of Marshall Hodgson by Burke, Edmund, III, Mankin,... ISBN: 9780226584645
Subversives and Mavericks in the Muslim Mediterranean : A Subaltern History by Moreau, Odile, Schaar, Stua... ISBN: 9781477319956 List Price: $24.95
Genealogies of Orientalism: History, Theory, Politics by Burke III, Edmund, Prochask... ISBN: 9780803213425 List Price: $29.95
Africa+africans in Making of Atlantic.. by Thornton, John, Adas, Micha... ISBN: 9780521392334 List Price: $67.99
The Annual Register (Volume 149) by Edmund III Burke ISBN: 9781235733314 List Price: $41.01
The Works of the Right Honorable Edmund Burke (Volume 1 ) by Edmund III Burke ISBN: 9781235737534 List Price: $23.19
Correspondence of Edmund Burke Between the Year 1774 - 1797 (Volume 3) by Edmund III Burke ISBN: 9781235687600 List Price: $20.40
Histoire Des Colonies Europeennes Dans L'Amerique, En Six Parties: I. Une Histoire Abregee d... by Edmund III Burke, William B... ISBN: 9781272224707 List Price: $32.75
The Works of the Right Honorable Edmund Burke Volume 6 by Edmund III Burke ISBN: 9781235844065 List Price: $19.75
A Philosophical Enquiry Into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful by Edmund III Burke ISBN: 9781235847035 List Price: $14.14
Appel Des Whigs Modernes Aux Whigs Anciens... (French Edition) by Edmund III Burke ISBN: 9781273156014 List Price: $25.75
Memoir of the Life and Character of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke: With Specimens of His Poetr... by James Prior, Edmund III Burke ISBN: 9781272751203 List Price: $42.75
Correspondence of Edmund Burke Between the Year 1774 - 1797 (Volume 1) by Edmund III Burke ISBN: 9781235709500 List Price: $20.49
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