Showing 1 - 14 of 14 Results
Radar Workbook by Burch, David, Brandt, Larry... ISBN: 9780914025153 List Price: $19.95
Celestial Navigation: A Complete Home Study Course, Second Edition by Burch, David, Burch, Tobias... ISBN: 9780914025467 List Price: $39.00
Navigation Workbook For Practice Underway: For Power-Driven and Sailing Vessels by Brandt, Larry, Burch, David... ISBN: 9780914025474 List Price: $19.95
Barometer Handbook : A Modern Look at Barometers and Applications of Barometric Pressure by Burch, David, Burch, Tobias ISBN: 9780914025733 List Price: $39.00
Introduction to Electronic Chart Navigation : With an Annotated ECDIS Chart No. 1 by Burch, David, Burch, Tobias ISBN: 9780914025719 List Price: $49.00
Hawaii by Sextant : An in-Depth Exercise in Celestial Navigation Using Real Sextant Sights a... by Burch, David, Miller, Steph... ISBN: 9780914025726 List Price: $39.00
Inland and Coastal Navigation : For Power-Driven and Sailing Vessels, 2nd Edition by Burch, David, Burch, Tobias ISBN: 9780914025672 List Price: $49.00
GPS Backup with a Mark 3 Sextant: All Instructions and Tables Included; For Any Ocean, on An... by Burch, David, Burch, Tobias... ISBN: 9780914025603 List Price: $19.95
Introduction to Electronic Chart Navigation : With an Annotated Ecdis Chart No. 1 by Burch, David, Burch, Tobias ISBN: 9780914025573 List Price: $39.00