Showing 1 - 25 of 2,704 Results
Quakerism a-la-mode, or, A history of quietism particularly that of the Lord Arch-bishop of ... by Bossuet, Jacques B�nigne ISBN: 9781171257783 List Price: $21.75
Universal History, from the Beginning of the World, to the Empire of Charlemagne : Written o... by Bossuet, Jacques Benigne ISBN: 9781170891537 List Price: $28.75
Universal History, from the Beginning of the World, to the Empire of Charlemagne : By M. Bos... by Bossuet, Jacques Benigne ISBN: 9781171452058 List Price: $31.75
Universal History : From the beginning of the world, to the empire of Charlemagne. by M. Bos... by Bossuet, Jacques Benigne ISBN: 9781170181584 List Price: $35.75
Discourse on the History of the Whole World, Dedicated to His Royal Highness the Dauphin Wri... by Bossuet, Jacques Benigne ISBN: 9781170888308 List Price: $44.75
Exposition of the Doctrine of the Catholick Church in Matters of Controversie by the Right R... by Bossuet, Jacques Benigne ISBN: 9781170926925 List Price: $28.75
Biographical Sketches of Henrietta Duchess of Orleans, and Louis of Bourbon Prince of Condé ... by Bossuet, Jacques Benigne ISBN: 9781171046417 List Price: $17.75
Discours Sur L'Histoire Universelle Pour Expliquer la Suite de la Religion and les Changemen... by Bossuet, Jacques Benigne ISBN: 9781171484363 List Price: $25.75
Discours Sur L'Histoire Universelle Pour Expliquer la Suite de la Religion and les Changemen... by Bossuet, Jacques Benigne ISBN: 9781171483342 List Price: $36.75
Exposition of the Doctrine of the Catholic Church, in Matters of Controversy with the Approb... by Bossuet, Jacques Benigne ISBN: 9781171110125 List Price: $22.75
View of Universal History, from the Beginning of the World, to the Empire of Charlemain : By... by Bossuet, Jacques Benigne ISBN: 9781140853930 List Price: $28.75
An Universal History; From the Beginning of the World, to the Empire of Charlemagne by Jacques Benigne Bossuet ISBN: 9781230257556 List Price: $16.23
Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Holy Scripture by Riley, Patrick, Bossuet, Ja... ISBN: 9780521368070 List Price: $40.99
Histoire Des Thtres Nationaux by Bossuet, Pierre ISBN: 9781116662696 List Price: $38.75
Trait De La Concupiscence: Lettres Et Maximes Sur La Comdie, La Logique, Trait Du Libre Arbi... by Bossuet, Jacques Benigne ISBN: 9781143695117 List Price: $39.75
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