Showing 1 - 25 of 180 Results
Marie, or Slavery in the United States A Novel of Jacksonian America by De Beaumont, Gustave, Chapm... ISBN: 9780801860645 List Price: $23.95
Ireland by Garvin, Tom, Hess, Andreas,... ISBN: 9780674025394 List Price: $22.00
Ireland: Social, Political, and Religious; edited by W. C. Taylor by Gustave Aug La bonniniere d... ISBN: 9781241421878 List Price: $34.75
On the Penitentiary System in the United States: And its Application in France (Perspectives... by Gustave de Beaumont, Alexis... ISBN: 9780809309139 List Price: $28.50
On the Penitentiary System in the United States and Its Application in France; with an Appen... by Beaumont, Gustave de, Liebe... ISBN: 9781177783996 List Price: $32.75
Systeme Penitentiaire Aux Etats-Unis Et de Son Application En France (3e Ed) (Ed.1845) (Fren... by De Beaumont G., Gustave De ... ISBN: 9782012771222 List Price: $28.95
Irlande Sociale Politique et Religieuse by Beaumont, Gustave de ISBN: 9781277638844 List Price: $32.75
Marie Ou l'Esclavage Aux Etats-Unis Tableau de Moeurs Am�ricaines by Beaumont, Gustave de ISBN: 9783849135584 List Price: $39.99
Marie Ou l'Esclavage Aux Etats-Unis Tableau de Moeurs Am�ricaines by Beaumont, Gustave de ISBN: 9783849146580 List Price: $49.99
Ireland V1-2 : Social, Political, and Religious (1839) by Beaumont, Gustave de, Taylo... ISBN: 9781167030529 List Price: $41.56
Ireland Social, Political, And Religious by Garvin, Tom, Hess, Andreas,... ISBN: 9780674021655 List Price: $35.00
L' Irlande Sociale, Politique Et Religieuse (2) (French Edition) by Gustave De Beaumont ISBN: 9781230472324 List Price: $17.62
On the Penitentiary System in the United States and Its Application in France; with an Appen... by Beaumont, Gustave De 1802-1... ISBN: 9781371931339 List Price: $17.95
On the Penitentiary System in the United States, and Its Application in France : With an App... by Beaumont De La Bonniere, Gu... ISBN: 9781371977443 List Price: $27.95
On the Penitentiary System in the United States, and Its Application in France by Beaumont De La Bonniere, Gu... ISBN: 9781371977436 List Price: $17.95
L'irlande Sociale, Politique Et Religieuse, Volume 1 (French Edition) by De Beaumont, Gustave ISBN: 9781144605405 List Price: $36.75
Marie; Ou, L'esclavage Aux tats-Unis: Tableau De Meurs Amricaines by De Beaumont, Gustave ISBN: 9781142408602 List Price: $34.75
Marie: Ou, L'Esclavage Aux tats-Unis, Tableau De Moeurs Amricaines (French Edition) by De Beaumont, Gustave ISBN: 9781141858705 List Price: $33.75
On the Penitentiary System in the United States, and Its Application in France; With an Appe... by Beaumont De La Bonnière, Gu... ISBN: 9781152030220 List Price: $35.73
Amerika's Besserungs-System Und Dessen Anwendung Auf Europa: Mit Einem Anhange ber Straf-Ans... by De Beaumont, Gustave, Duke ... ISBN: 9781145757233 List Price: $41.75
Marie; Ou, L'esclavage Aux tats-Unis: Tableau De Meurs Amricaines by De Beaumont, Gustave ISBN: 9781145872837 List Price: $33.75
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