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Nutrition, Health, and Safety for Young Children: Promoting Wellness (with MyEducationLab) by Sorte, Joanne, Daeschel, In... ISBN: 9780131381209 List Price: $100.00
Nutrition, Health and Safety Plus NEW MyEducationLab with Video-Enhanced Pearson eText -- Ac... by Joanne Sorte, Inge Daeschel... ISBN: 9780133388916 List Price: $146.73
Nutrition, Health and Safety for Young Children : Promoting Wellness, Loose-Leaf Version by Sorte, Joanne, Daeschel, In... ISBN: 9780133388923 List Price: $77.80
Nutrition, Health and Safety for Young Children : Promoting Wellness, Pearson EText -- Acces... by Sorte, Joanne, Daeschel, In... ISBN: 9780133395396 List Price: $70.80
Nutrition, Health and Safety for Young Children : Promoting Wellness Plus Video-Enhanced Pea... by Sorte, Joanne, Daeschel, In... ISBN: 9780133385700 List Price: $126.27
Nutrition, Health and Safety for Young Children : Promoting Wellness by Sorte, Joanne, Daeschel, In... ISBN: 9780133014242 List Price: $88.67
Nutrition, Health and Safety, Loose-Leaf Version Plus Video-Enhanced Pearson EText -- Access... by Sorte, Joanne, Daeschel, In... ISBN: 9780133424065 List Price: $84.47
Nutrition, Health and Safety for Young Children : Promoting Wellness, Enhanced Pearson EText... by Sorte, Joanne, Daeschel, In... ISBN: 9780134403212 List Price: $153.33
Nutrition, Health and Safety for Young Children : Promoting Wellness, Enhanced Pearson EText... by Sorte, Joanne, Daeschel, In... ISBN: 9780134403267 List Price: $84.93
An Introduction to Irish English (Equinox Textbooks & Surveys in Linguistics) by Moreno, Carolina P. Amador ISBN: 9781845533717 List Price: $28.00
Nutrition, Health and Safety for Young Children : Promoting Wellness, Enhanced Pearson EText... by Sorte, Joanne, Daeschel, In... ISBN: 9780134115436 List Price: $73.33
MyEdLab with eText Student Access Code Card for Nutrition, Health, and Safety for Young Chil... by Sorte, Joanne, Daeschel, In... ISBN: 9780132477048 List Price: $57.07
An Analysis of English-irish Dialect in the Early Novels of Patrick Macgill: Bilingualism an... by Carolina P. Amador Moreno, ... ISBN: 9780773458086 List Price: $119.95
Pearson EText Nutrition, Health, and Safety for Young Children : Promoting Wellness -- Acces... by Sorte, Joanne, Amador, Caro... ISBN: 9780135573525 List Price: $39.99
Expanding the Landscapes of Irish English Research by Kallen, Jeffrey L., Lucek, ... ISBN: 9780367856397
Introduction to Irish English by Moreno, Carolina P. Amador ISBN: 9781845533700
Nutrition, Health and Safety, Loose-Leaf Version Plus NEW MyEducationLab with Video-Enhanced... by Joanne Sorte, Inge Daeschel... ISBN: 9780133406658 List Price: $91.13
Nutrition, Health, and Safety For Young Children Promoting Wellness by Inge daeschel, Carolina Ama... ISBN: 9780558774554
Voice and Discourse in the Irish Context by Villanueva Romero, Diana, A... ISBN: 9783319660288
Orality in Written Texts : Using Historical Corpora to Investigate Irish English 1700-1900 by Amador-Moreno, Carolina P. ISBN: 9781138802346 List Price: $145.00
Nutrition, Health and Safety, Video-Enhanced Pearson EText with Loose-Leaf Version -- Access... by Sorte, Joanne, Daeschel, In... ISBN: 9780134385938 List Price: $91.07
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