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YouTube, The Home of Vlogging: The rise of video on demand (Business Stories) by 50MINUTES.COM, 50MINUTES ISBN: 9782808002417 List Price: $7.99
La bataille des Thermopyles: Léonidas et ses 300 Spartiates contre l'Empire perse (Grandes B... by Vincent Gentil, 50Minutes ISBN: 9782806255945 List Price: $8.99
Retrouver la motivation au travail: Conseils pour redonner du sens à son emploi (Coaching pr... by Caroline Cailteux, 50Minutes ISBN: 9782806278982 List Price: $8.99
Apartheid: Racial Segregation in South Africa (History) by 50MINUTES ISBN: 9782806292544 List Price: $11.99
The Battle of Thermopylae: The Heroic Fall of Leonidas I and the 300 Spartans (History) by 50 50Minutes, 50 minutes ISBN: 9782806276636 List Price: $11.99
La guerre du Viêt Nam: Un conflit meurtrier au cœur de la guerre froide (French Edition) by Mylène Théliol, 50Minutes ISBN: 9782808001625 List Price: $8.99
Communiquer efficacement au travail: Les étapes-clés d'une communication réussie (French Edi... by Virginie De Lutis, 50Minutes ISBN: 9782806264978 List Price: $8.99
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Nicolas Copernic: L'héliocentrisme aux sources de l'astrophysique contemporaine (French Edit... by Mélanie Mettra, 50Minutes ISBN: 9782806256690 List Price: $8.99
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Yasser Arafat: L'esprit de la résistance palestinienne (French Edition) by Françoise Puissant Baeyens,... ISBN: 9782806266613 List Price: $8.99
Le marquis de Lafayette: L'ambassadeur des valeurs américaines en France (French Edition) by Hadrien Nafilyan, 50Minutes ISBN: 9782806264459 List Price: $8.99
Google, Making Information Accessible: The search engine that changed the world (Business St... by 50MINUTES.COM, 50MINUTES ISBN: 9782808006491 List Price: $7.99
Amerigo Vespucci: The Man Who Gave America Its Name (History) by 50MINUTES ISBN: 9782806293046 List Price: $11.99
Amazon and the Rise of E-commerce: The story of Jeff Bezos' revolutionary company (Business ... by 50MINUTES.COM, 50MINUTES ISBN: 9782808002431 List Price: $7.99
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Job Seeking on Social Media: Using Linkedin, Twitter And Facebook To Find Your Dream Job by 50MINUTES, 50Minutes.Com ISBN: 9782806291455 List Price: $7.99
The Battle of Tours: The Turning Point in the Struggle Against Islam (History) by 50 50Minutes, 50 minutes ISBN: 9782806273130 List Price: $11.99
Effective Delegation: Save time and boost quality at work (Coaching) by 50MINUTES ISBN: 9782806291677 List Price: $11.99
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