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The campaigns of the Fifty-second regiment, Pennsylvania volunteer infantry, first known as ... by Pennsylvania Infantry. 52d ... ISBN: 9781177565677 List Price: $29.75
Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar by Gesenius, Wilhelm, Kautzsch... ISBN: 9781176644779 List Price: $45.75
History of the Eastern Roman Empire from the Fall of Irene to the Accession of Basil I by Bury, J b. 1861-1927 ISBN: 9781177696104 List Price: $42.75
Popular Botany; the Living Plant from Seed to Fruit by Knight, Alfred E. B. 1861, ... ISBN: 9781171491132 List Price: $30.75
Last Poems of Richard Watson Dixon by Dixon, Richard Watson, Brid... ISBN: 9781176763906 List Price: $17.75
...Messages of the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with resolut... by United States. President (1... ISBN: 9781172913701 List Price: $26.75
Trait pratique de mdecine, clinique et thrapeutique Volume v. 2 (French Edition) by Bernheim Samuel 1855-, Laur... ISBN: 9781172711697 List Price: $54.75
The Fleet papers: being letters to Thomas Thornhill, esquire, of Riddlesworth, in the County... by Oastler Richard 1789-1861 ISBN: 9781172714575 List Price: $46.75
Life, outlines of general bioloy by J Arthur 1861-1933 Thomson,... ISBN: 9781172740246 List Price: $52.75
Kulturgeschichte des Mittelalters Volume 1 by Grupp Georg 1861- ISBN: 9781172734740 List Price: $37.75
A history of Rome to the death of Caesar by W W. 1861-1932 How, Henry D... ISBN: 9781172769544 List Price: $45.75
Progress of science in the century by J Arthur 1861-1933 Thomson ISBN: 9781172761425 List Price: $43.75
An inquiry into the animism and folk-lore of the Guiana Indians by Walter E. 1861?-1933 Roth, ... ISBN: 9781172882267 List Price: $31.75
A Hebrew and English lexicon to the Old Testament; including the Biblical chaldee; by Wilhelm Gesenius, Josiah W.... ISBN: 9781172799893 List Price: $47.75
A student's manual of English Constitutional history by D J. 1861-1953 Medley ISBN: 9781172812455 List Price: $45.75
A text book of naval architecture: for the use of officers of the Royal Navy by J J. 1861- Welch, Great Bri... ISBN: 9781172823178 List Price: $24.75
Historic Mackinac: the historical, picturesque and legendary features of the Mackinac countr... by Edwin O. b. 1861 Wood ISBN: 9781172811694 List Price: $57.75
Nature studies on the farm: soils and plants by Charles A. b. 1861 Keffer ISBN: 9781172827633 List Price: $21.75
The natural history of animals: the animal life of the world in its various aspects and rela... by J R. 1861-1934 Ainsworth Davis ISBN: 9781172755752 List Price: $27.75
Benares, the sacred city: sketches of Hindu life and religion by E B. 1861-1934 Havell ISBN: 9781172859986 List Price: $26.75
Supplement to the Bibliotheca americana, a catalogue of American publications, (reprints and... by Orville A. 1803-1861 Roorbach ISBN: 9781172806904 List Price: $32.75
A history of banking in the United States by John Jay Knox, Bradford Rho... ISBN: 9781172880270 List Price: $61.75
A survey of English literature, 1780-1880 Volume 4 by Elton Oliver 1861-1945 ISBN: 9781172177196 List Price: $36.75
Leons Sur La Messe (French Edition) by Batiffol Pierre 1861-1929 ISBN: 9781172642236 List Price: $32.75
La Fausse Science Contemporaine Et Les Mystres D'outre-tombe (French Edition) by Ortolan Théophile 1861- ISBN: 9781172635450 List Price: $17.75
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