Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum: Best Practices in Early Childhood Education (4th Edition)

Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum: Best Practices in Early Childhood Education (4th Edition)
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  • ISBN-13: 9780132390934
  • ISBN: 0132390930
  • Edition: 4
  • Publication Date: 2006
  • Publisher: Prentice Hall


Anne K. Soderman, Alice P. Whiren, Marjorie J. Kostelnik


This text brings together the best information available on creating an integrated, holistic approach to curriculum and instruction for children age 3 to 8 in child care, preschool, and early elementary grade settings. Provides Comprehensive Coverage in Teaching Students How to Plan and Implement Developmentally Appropriate, Integrated Curriculum Addressesallaspects of classroom life, including children's development and learning, adult roles, creating physical and social environments, guiding childrens' behavior, teaching and learning within multiple domains, classroom management, assessment, and involving families. Core curricular chapters include an overview, common issues, goals and objectives, teaching strategies, and many activity suggestions. Provides opportunities for readers to develop materials for a professional portfolio. Reinforces understanding of material with new "Practice for Your Certification or Licensure Exam" assessment items. Takes a Developmental Approach Curriculum chapters are organized by developmental/curricular domains: aesthetic, affective, cognitive, language, physical, and social. This ensures that children's developmental needs are met while also addressing appropriate learning expectations for young children. Incorporates Standards New "Consult the Standards" tables and application activities at the end of each chapter help students understand where to find learning standards and provide concrete opportunities to use them in planning curriculum. Goals and Objectives presented in domain chapters are based on developmental research and on a variety of national standards. Integrates Diversity Throughout Content, vignettes, and examples reflect all types of diversity: socioeconomic, ability, cultural, ethnic, linguistic, and gender. Boxed "Examples of involving children with special needs" show teachers how to make adaptations. Instructor Resources include Online Test Bank, Test Management software, PowerPoint Slides, WebCT and Blackboard cartridges, and an Online Instructor's Manual (with Classroom Observation tool for students in field placements and a Lesson Plan Grading Checklist).Anne K. Soderman is the author of 'Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum: Best Practices in Early Childhood Education (4th Edition)', published 2006 under ISBN 9780132390934 and ISBN 0132390930.

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