Showing 26 - 50 of 63 Results
Scouting Expeditions of Mcculloch's Texas Rangers; or, the Summer and Fall Campaign of the A... by Reid, Samuel C. (Samuel Che... ISBN: 9781290413978 List Price: $18.95
Case of the Private Armed Brig of War Gen. Armstrong by Reid, Samuel Chester 1783-1... ISBN: 9781359985422 List Price: $25.95
Case of the Private Armed Brig of War Gen. Armstrong by Reid, Samuel Chester 1783-1... ISBN: 9781359985415 List Price: $15.95
Great Battle of Chicamauga: A Concise History of Events from the Evacuation of Chattanooga t... by Reid, Samuel Chester, Samue... ISBN: 9781334343841 List Price: $7.97
Scouting Expeditions of Mcculloch's Texas Rangers; or, the Summer and Fall Campaign of the A... by Reid, Samuel Chester ISBN: 9781340734589 List Price: $25.95
The Case Of The Private Armed Brig Of War Gen. Armstrong: Containing Letters And Documents R... by Reid, Samuel Chester, Phill... ISBN: 9781343314986 List Price: $25.95
The Case of the Private Armed Brig of war Gen. Armstrong: Containing Letters and Documents R... by Reid, Samuel Chester, O'Con... ISBN: 9781342050687 List Price: $25.95
History of the Wonderful Battle of the Brig-Of-War General Armstrong with a British Squadron... by Reid, Samuel C. (Samuel Che... ISBN: 9781363195749 List Price: $10.95
History of the Wonderful Battle of the Brig-Of-War General Armstrong with a British Squadron... by Reid, Samuel C. (Samuel Che... ISBN: 9781363195763 List Price: $21.95
History of the Wonderful Battle of the Brig-Of-War General Armstrong with a British Squadron... by Reid, Samuel C. (Samuel Che... ISBN: 9781363197903 List Price: $21.95
History of the Wonderful Battle of the Brig-Of-War General Armstrong with a British Squadron... by Reid, Samuel C. (Samuel Che... ISBN: 9781363197873 List Price: $10.95
Scouting Expeditions of Mcculloch's Texas Rangers; by Reid, Samuel C. (Samuel Che... ISBN: 9781371514587 List Price: $25.95
Scouting Expeditions of Mcculloch's Texas Rangers; by Reid, Samuel C. (Samuel Che... ISBN: 9781371514570 List Price: $15.95
Scouting Expeditions of Mcculloch's Texas Rangers; or, the Summer and Fall Campaign of the A... by Reid, Samuel C. (Samuel Che... ISBN: 9781371674359 List Price: $10.95
Scouting Expeditions of Mcculloch's Texas Rangers; or, the Summer and Fall Campaign of the A... by Reid, Samuel C. (Samuel Che... ISBN: 9781371674373 List Price: $21.95
Case of the Private Armed Brig of War Gen. Armstrong by Reid, Samuel Chester 1783-1... ISBN: 9781360956589 List Price: $15.95
Case of the Private Armed Brig of War Gen. Armstrong : Containing Letters and Documents Refe... by Reid, Samuel Chester 1783-1... ISBN: 9781360662909 List Price: $25.95
Case of the Private Armed Brig of War Gen. Armstrong : Containing Letters and Documents Refe... by United States Court of Clai... ISBN: 9781360662947 List Price: $25.95
Case of the Private Armed Brig of War Gen. Armstrong by United States Court of Clai... ISBN: 9781360956473 List Price: $15.95
The History of the Wonderful Battle of the Brig.-of-War General Armstrong: With a British Sq... by Reid, Samuel Chester, Samue... ISBN: 9781331200178 List Price: $9.57
Argument of Sam C. Reid, Jr. Before the Court of Claims by Reid Samuel C. (Samuel Ches... ISBN: 9780526489077 List Price: $19.95
Argument of Sam C. Reid, Jr. Before the Court of Claims by Samuel C (Samuel Chester), ... ISBN: 9780526489060 List Price: $9.95
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